Why And How Having Clear Intentions Can Change Your Life! 

We all have free will and all our circumstances come from our choices. Our spirit guides are there to help guide us and keep us on track for what we want. If we aren't clear on what we want, then they can't help us. In fact those that stop creating and stop having intentions will often lose one of their spirit guides because they aren't needed. Our spirit guides also learn from guiding us, they don't want to be where they aren't needed. 

There are also special beings that help us to send our intentions out into the world and situations  to help the right things to come to us based on our intentions. The clearer we are with what we want the stronger our intention signal is sent out onto the world and the better that can help us.

If you go through life unclear of what you want, you will get back a mishmash of unclear situations in your life. But if you are very clear with your intentions and make them clear often, then more serendipitous circumstances will show up for you. 

Those serendipitous situations can only work for you and come about if you make what you want clear. You are the creator in your life so be clear and intentional with it! 

Think about it, if you went into a job interview all disorganized and not knowing what you want, you aren't going to get the job. Use that same preparedness and intentionality in all areas of your life. 

This can be very helpful in relationships and in manifesting new relationships. Be clear with what you want! You get what you put out into the world so be super clear! Often, by looking at what kind of people you are attracting into your life can show you what signal you are sending out. Use that information to tweak your actions and change that signal if needed. 

Some people are unclear on what exactly they want. When that is the issue, the key is to start somewhere and do something new. As you do that you will get clearer and clearer on what you do and don't want. You need to experience things to really get an idea of what you do want. 

And of course as you learn and grow what you want will change. When that happens, be clear on that new intention. Change and growth is a good thing so don't ever think you have to stay on a path that you no longer want. 

I write down all my specific intentions and goals and read them over at least once a day. The clearer you are with yourself on what you want, the more your guides can help you. 

But of course you must always take new actions towards your goals. Your guides can make it easier but it won't just happen, you have to create what you want by taking new action. 

The actions and choices you are making now are bringing you the exact circumstances you are getting now. If you want something different you must do something different. 

I want to challenge you to really get clear with yourself on exactly what you want in your life in all areas. Write it down and read it often. If something changes cross it off and make the needed changes. When you manifest something cross it off. 

This is a continual list. As you achieve one goal, you will think of a new one. We will never stop learning and wanting to create more. That's why we are here. So start with where you are now and intentionally create what you want in your life. 

So for your financial life what exact amount of money would you like to earn in a week? In a month? What service or skill would you ultimately like to use to earn that money? Are there steps you need to take to learn or refine that skill? What new actions can you take towards that? 

For relationships what elements do you want in a relationship? What would that relationship look like in an ideal scenario. What would you two do together? What steps can you take to get there? 

For your health and well being what changes would you like? What can you do with where you are right now towards those changes? 

Set specific intentions for each area of your life. Really get clear with yourself and with what you put out into the world consistently and it will help to change your life! So what do you want? 

If you'd like help with this or anything else I have lots of reading, clearing, and coaching choices available here:


How To Tell If You Are Living Your Purpose

Are you living your purpose? The biggest tells to know if you are living your purpose and how much are the state of your health and finances. The better your health and finances are, the more aligned you are to your purpose.

Those that aren't aligned at all with their purpose will not have abundance in their lives and will have health issues. The more abundant you are and the better your health is the more you are using your gift. It's important to align your purpose to everything you do in life not just what you do for work.

There are different levels. The more you align to your purpose the better your life gets. You can align it to how you clean, how you cook or don't cook, how you get the kids ready for school, even how you get to work etc. It all depends on what your specific purpose gift is, everyone is different.

The more you bring your purpose into your life the better your life will be. If you aren't aligned to your purpose there will be a lot of road blocks and struggle in your life. Those road blocks and that struggle are there to tell you that you need to do something different.

Unfortunately most people just accept being unhappy and think there is nothing they can do. But that's not true, everything is in your control by making necessary changes.

Anything you don't like in your life look at what steps you can take to change it. Don't just give into it and accept it! This is where knowing your purpose makes it easier to know what next steps to take.

This is an ongoing thing where over time you align more and more. No matter how much you are aligned there is always a new level you can go to to align more with your purpose. You want to incorporate it into things you do regularly everyday to really make the most impact. This is a wonderful ongoing process to learning about yourself and using your purpose to help others. As you align more and more your life gets better and you are able to help others with your gift which brings a lot of fulfillment.

Our purpose gift is usually something we don't see as a gift because it comes so easily and naturally to us. So many people are not aware of their purpose gift which results in struggle. They think everyone must have that gift because it comes so easy. So they sort of ignore their gift and don't use it like they should because they don't see it as a gift. Are you ignoring your precious purpose gift?

Living your purpose is not just doing some preplanned specific job. It is using your purpose gift in whatever you choose to do. The more you use your gift and align with it, the better your life will get. We all have free will to choose how we use our gift but using it to the maximum brings about a much better life not only for you but for those around you as well.

Knowing your child's purpose gift can help so much in understanding them and raising them. I love when I can give a parent their kids purpose gift, it changes both lives. A parent can then gently guide them based on their gift! What a gift to give a child so they don't have to struggle to find their purpose! And what a gift to the parent to understand their child on a much deeper level.

For those that know their purpose gift, ask yourself every step of the day how you can align that task better to your purpose gift. Ask yourself how you can use your purpose to serve others. As you help others with your purpose gift it helps you as well and is a perfect balance.

If you don't know your purpose gift I can find that out for you and so much more by going into your Akashic Records in a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing. The information on that is here:


Why Being Obsessed With Finding Love Actually Repels It And How To Attract It Instead

Most people want to find love but they are sabotaging themselves without realizing it. Here is how you may be sabotaging yourself and how to change that! 

Being obsessed and desperate for love sends out a desperation energy which actually repels love. When you need something to that degree it sends out an energy of lack. Lack energy will always repel love and only attract more lack into your life including finances.

You have to be happy with you to attract real love. When you aren't happy with yourself you will feel a desperate need for love as a way to fill that void. That will never work. No one else can fill a void for you, only you can do that for yourself. When you are empty within yourself you will only attract an empty love. Unfortunately so many get stuck in this cycle with one empty love after another. 

Love always comes from within, no matter what. So it's always important to work on you first then all areas of your life will fall into place. 

Focus on what you can do to create happiness and fullness in your life. Remember a partner should only be the cherry on top of your own fulfillment not your fulfillment. You must find yourself first, this is so important. So many want to skip this step but it's the most important thing when trying to attract love.

If you aren't happy with yourself you will only attract those that aren't happy with you and those that you aren't happy with. If you aren't treating yourself right, you will attract those that won't treat you treat you right as well. You have to treat yourself well first before you can find someone else to treat you well. By not treating yourself well you are putting out there that you aren't valuable and worth it which only attracts that in a partner. 

Look at how you are treating yourself compared to who is in your life. There will be a direct mirror. If you don't like who you are attracting you always have to look at how you are treating yourself. That will always directly affect who is in your life.

So when you want love, turn your focus on yourself first. Work on loving yourself and creating a life you love. Add more fun into your life. Happiness, fun, and confidence attracts love.

It's important to get to a place where you are happy without love and know that it's not something you need. It's just a nice added benefit. Know that you can find that love and all that you are craving from within. Make that empowering! You don't need anyone else to get what you need! You have full control of your happiness which is so exciting! Then once you have it you will attract love if that's what you want. 

The actions we take are what is put out into the world. So really look at what you are putting out. Are you choosing to settle for less than you deserve in any area of your life? Doing that will only attract a partner that will always be less than you deserve. 

Really look closely at all the choices you are making. Are you making choices out of desperation? Out of fear? Out of lack? Out of guilt? Those will only block you from real love. 

What we attract will always come from choices we make so really look deep at yourself. 

Find your confidence and create the life you really want, don't settle! Always know you have the power and it's already within you, use it!

If you'd like help with this or anything else I have lots of reading, clearing and coaching choices available here:



What Really Happens When You Suppress Your Emotions And 3 Steps To Use Them To Your Advantage Instead!

When you stuff down your emotions it causes havoc to you mentally, emotionally, and physically. So many times my clients come to me with an issue and in their reading it turns out the issue stemmed from stuffing their emotions down. 

Here's what happens to you when you stuff emotions down and how to use it to help you instead:

Emotions are energy in motion. E- MOTION. When you have an emotion that energy needs to be used productively or it will stay inside you and cause you harm. So let's say you have anger but you try to ignore it and stuff it down. That anger which is an emotion which again is energy in motion is now inside you. 

Think of it like a tornado inside you. The energy will continue to build and build which causes anxiety, depression, and eventually physical issues. Would you want a tornado inside you?

That anger you had will end up causing you worse issues if you don't let it out. It may come out years later at the worst possible time and in the worst possible way or it may come out 10 minutes from now but it's guaranteed that it will come out and you wont like it when it does. At that point after it built up so much you will feel like you have no control over it and that it is actually controlling you. 

So many people are living with lots of tornados inside of them and they don't realize that is what is causing their mental, emotional, and physical issues. 

Common ways people stuff down emotions is by overeating or abusing alcohol or drugs. Anything that is used to comfort, numb, and mask the emotions you are feeling is stuffing it down. 

You don't want to comfort yourself you want to feel and use that emotion energy and get it out right away so you don't need to be comforted. That energy has to come out somehow and if you choose to suppress it then it comes out by making you feel bad. 

Here are 3 steps to keep in control of that energy and not let it control you.

  1. First it's important to feel the emotion. 

This seems like it is so hard in that moment and is why so many numb themselves instead. But if instead of ignoring and numbing you let yourself feel those feelings then very quickly they start to lose that power over you and you feel better. If you stuff it down you just end up feeling worse and worse about yourself for overeating or drinking etc. plus that tornado is still in you and will come to destroy you at a later time! 

  1. Get that energy out! 

If you need to cry do it, if you need to scream, do it. If you need to speak or write your peace, do it! Whatever you do let it out! Don't let that tornado stay inside of you! You must get it out. If you stuff those emotions down and numb them, it will only get worse and worse for you. But if you feel and express them, it immediately gives it less power. There's no need to numb it if you get it out of you!  

  1. The last step is to use that energy to your benefit. 

Use that anger, sadness, grief etc. as fuel to make changes and to create something good for yourself. Make positive changes to avoid getting in that position in again. Use your grief to help someone else. Use that anger to fuel yourself to create a better life to show that person that angered you etc. Use it. It is energy it is fuel! Use that tornado to help propel you and power you, not to destroy you! 

So instead take that anger and channel it into saying what you need to say or making changes so that situation that angered you can't happen again. Whatever you do use that energy productively to help solve that problem. This way you won't have evil tornados building up in you. Use that energy to create something positive in your life.

Our emotions are always there to show us that something needs to change. Use that energy productively and it will change your life for the better! Listen to your emotions, don't ignore them! Use them to your benefit! 

I have many reading, clearing, and coaching choices to help you with this or anything else you need help with. You can look at all the choices are here: 


Are You Making These 7 Common Mistakes That Block You From More Money? 

We all have the ability to be infinitely abundant but it's always up to us and our choices to get there no matter where we started out in life. We start out in this life exactly where we left off in the last life. So make sure you aren't blocking your abundance with these 7 things and change not only this life for the better but future lives as well! 

  1. Being overly obsessed with clipping coupons and looking for a deal

A coupon here and there won't be that big of a deal but when you are constantly obsessed with getting a good deal and coupons etc. you are telling the universe that you don't plan to or want to make enough money so you have to use those and the universe says "as you wish".  

We all have free will and full control over our lives. Only we can make new choices to change our abundance level. 

Instead put that same energy into new actions to make some money. Everyone can make more and there is always a next step you can take towards it you just have to do it.  

2. Accepting that you will always have less

When you accept that you will always have less and just resign to that fact, you are telling the universe that's what you want. Don't accept anything you don't want in your life. Accepting something is saying " this is what I want in my life!" And the universe helps you to keep it that way. Know that you always have the power to change it! 

3. Hoping for the lottery or some other magic to solve all your problems 

Waiting for the lottery or some other magic to help out only gives up your power. Doing this gets rid of your control leaving making money up to some unforeseen force instead of up to you. Which remember you are the only one can do it, you have your own free will. 

Those fantasies actually keep you stuck in the money space you are in and you dream of the lottery as a comfort. Don't comfort yourself with a fantasy instead make changes to actually make it a reality!  

We all have the capabilities to be abundant but it's always up to us. The problem is even if you did win the lottery if you haven't made changes you will lose the money very fast because you can't sustain it. That's why most lottery winners lose it fast and end up worse than they started. 

Magical thinking and hoping some money will just be thrown into your life and will change everything only keeps you farther from money. You have to first take responsibility and know that only you and your choices got you where you are right now and only you can change that. 

The good news is if you step into your power and know you have control you can make changes and create that money yourself! Empower yourself! 

4. Not knowing where you stand financially

Not looking at bills and not knowing your exact debt only disempowers you. You have to be in reality to create a new reality! You cannot move forward without knowing exactly where you stand right now first.

Being in denial of where you stand tells the universe you don't want to know, have control over, or be responsible for your own money.  No more can come your way if you show you won't be responsible for it. 

Even though it's hard to really look at the reality of every bill and every dollar going in and out, it's a very important step towards abundance. Having the facts and knowing exactly what you are working with is an important step to changing it. 

You can't move forward with your head buried in the sand. You have to show the universe you are responsible and can handle more money before you can have it. 

5. Leaving money in someone else's control or power

You are the only one that has control over your money. When you put your money in someone else's control and don't pay attention to it, you are giving up your power. You are saying to the universe "I do not want to be responsible for money" so no more will come your way. 

Take back your power. Know that you and only you have the power to earn as much as you want if you are willing to take new action. Everyone has infinite possibilities but you have to go for them! 

6. Doing something you hate for a living to get more money

We can only be truly abundant when we love what we do. We must enjoy and use our purpose in what we do to earn money. If you aren't, you may make a lot of money but you will always manifest more expenses so that you can never actually be abundant. We are not meant to struggle in a job we hate everyday. Find and do what you enjoy!

7. Doing the same things you have been doing but hoping for more money to just appear

We all have the ability to be abundant but it's up to us to make changes. What you are doing now equals the money you are earning now. You can never get something different without doing something different. If you do the same thing you will always get the same thing. There are always new actions you can take right now where you are towards abundance. 

The more you live your purpose the more abundant you will be in all areas of your life. If you don't know your purpose I can find out for you in a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing. This is the link for info on that: www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/soul-realignment-reading 

But for now really focus on what comes easy to you. Our purpose is usually something we don't even see as a gift because it comes so easy to us that we think everyone else can do it too. That's just because it is a special gift and it seems easy to you! 

Focus on what you enjoy that comes easy to you and what service you can bring the world that brings you fulfillment. Even if at first you think you can't make as much money doing it, in the long run you will always end up more abundant. 

Don't waste your gift! Use your purpose gift and get more fulfilled and abundant at the same time. Find what you love! It's never too late! 

I have many reading, clearing, and coaching choices to help you with this or anything else you need help with. You can look at all the choices are here: 


8 Ways To Survive Through and Make the Most Out Of a Break Up

Going through a breakup can be rough but here are some tips to make the most of it and get yourself to the otherside of it quicker. 

  1. Be kind to yourself

First of all, this is a time to really nurture and take care of yourself. Don't push yourself. Don't beat yourself up about anything from the past. Take this time to focus on you and take care of yourself. Be gentle and kind to yourself. 

Emotional pain is just as real as physical pain so give yourself the same aftercare you would if you were injured. Beating yourself up will only re-injure that wound and open it back up so it can't heal. 

If you don't treat yourself well you will only attract others that won't treat you well. You are worthy and deserving of only the best, treat yourself accordingly! 

2. Let it out

Let out the emotions don't keep them in. It's so important to really feel the pain and sadness and release it. I know that's hard but it's so important. If you don't feel it it will stay inside you and cause you emotional and physical issues in the future.

So let it out! Cry or scream or whatever you need to do but feel it and let it out! If it stays inside it will only get worse. Let it out so it doesn't have power over you anymore then you can move forward. 

3. Look for the lessons

In every relationship there are lessons that are gifts we take with us forever and use in future relationships. Lessons will continue to be repeated over and over until we learn them. 

If you want things to be different in your next relationship, really take time to focus in on what you learned from that relationship and what changes you can make in the future so it doesn't repeat again.

4. Look at who you are currently attracting

Look at who you are currently attracting into your life compared to who you want to attract. The actions and choices we make in our lives directly affect who we attract into our lives. 

If you are attracting those that neglect you look at what ways you are neglecting yourself and make changes. Are you attracting those that aren't serious? If so look at what in your life you're not taking seriously enough or aren't committed to. 

Whatever you are attracting that you don't want, look inside you for where you are making those same kind of choices. Changing up the choices you are making especially towards yourself will help you to attract what you do want instead.

5. Add more of what you do want in your life

If you want more love in your life work on loving yourself more so you will attract that. If you want more fun in your life find ways to add more fun things that you love. The energy of fun and playfulness attracts love. Purposely add more of what you want into your life so you can attract more of it! 

6. Trust that there is a bigger reason 

Trust that there is a better reason and things will work out for the best. In the moment it can seem so devastating but there is a bigger plan and if that person isn't best for you it's important for that relationship to end so someone better for you can come.

If that person is really right then the breakup is for learning and is a lesson for either one of you or both of you. If it is right, the relationship will come back together.  

Be true to yourself and focus on yourself and what you want outside of the relationship. Changing your focus to you will help and if it is right that person will naturally come back.


7. Work on what YOU want

The more you work on creating what you want in your own life, the more you will attract those that are what you want. So for instance, if you settle for a job you hate you will attract relationships into your life where you always have to settle. 

Really look into all areas of your life and work on areas you aren't happy with. So many people think they don't have a choice but you do. With new actions you can start changing what you don't want in your life into what you do want. Your life is like clay, mold it how you want not how someone else wants or says you should. 

8. Focus on what/who you do have in your life

Instead of focusing on who you don't have anymore focus on who and what you do have. Appreciating what you do have helps you to attract more. So enjoy what you do have and know that you will get through this. 

Things will get better and this heartbreak will be worth it when you get to an even better place in your life with the right person for you. You have so much more control than you realize. If you work on these things you can get your love life going in the right direction and leave this heartbreak in the past! 

If you would like some personal help on your love journey or anything else I have many different reading options available here: 


10 Comforting Facts For Those That Have Lost A Pet 

When we lose a pet it can be so devastating. They are pure love and it's heartbreaking to lose that. So I'd like to share what I've learned about crossed over pets through my readings over the years to hopefully help to comfort you in this hard time. 

  1. You will see them again

Earth is temporary but the other side is forever. When you crossover you will see them again and it will be like no time has passed. On the other side you will reunite with them and continue on. This separation is only temporary. 

2. The greeting 

One thing I find very comforting is that when we first crossover not only do all our crossed over human loved ones greet us but also our pets.

I've heard many times how the pets practically knock the human loved ones out of the way because they are so excited to reunite. Just pure joy and excitement and a heartfelt reunion.

Another thing that I find exciting is that all of your pets that have crossed over will be together all at once. I have had many pets at different times in my life and knowing I'll be able to see them all together at once is so comforting and exciting. 

3. They are still around often

Very often pets come back to visit their owners on earth. I often hear that they visit in their favorite chair or spot and just try to bring some comfort. If you pay attention you can feel their presence. Some will smell, see, or feel them as well. 

4. They can still hear and see you

They can still hear you talk to them and feel your energy. Talk to them and tell them anything you wish. Nothing has to go unsaid. 

5. No guilt allowed

In my readings so many pet parents have felt guilty and so often the pet comes through to say they don't want that. Every reading is different but they almost always want to comfort you and to share their love. 

They never hold grudges their souls are just so pure. They never resent you for having to put them down or anything like that. They know the love that was behind it and they appreciate it.

 They don't want you to focus on "what if I did that." Let go of any guilt or what if's and just focus on the great love and times you shared. They don't hold grudges or resent a choice you made. Overall they want you happy more than anything. 

6. They are no longer on pain

It can be so rough to watch a pet suffer. When they do crossover they are no longer in pain and are free from any earthy issues. They are in a wonderful place and feel amazing and happy so let that give you comfort. 

7. Don't fear replacing them

Often in my readings pet parents feel so guilty about getting a new pet because they don't want them to think they are replacing them. But the pet says so often that they actually want you to get another pet. 

They want you to share more love with another. They see it as an honor to them for you to adopt another pet. They don't see it as a replacement for them but as a way to honor them and their life. 

So many pets need homes and you can honor them by showing love to another. Also, getting a new pet helps a lot in the grieving process and creates a new focus and new life to move forward with. 

8. Fun and play

Pet's souls are of a different structure than human souls. They don't have the same free will that us humans have so they don't have karma to settle or anything like that. They just go straight to a place of peace and joy. Fun is the most common energy I feel from them in my readings. They just play and have fun and gather with other animals while they wait for you. Just pure joy and fun. 

9. Some reincarnate into another pet later on 

Sometimes some pet souls will actually reincarnate into another pet with you later on. So pay attention to any similar mannerisms it could be the same pet you lost years before. It doesn't have to be the same kind of animal either. So pay attention they could be with you and you don't even realize it! 

10. Their love will always be with you

They may not be here physically anymore but their soul will always be with you. Anytime you want to tap into their love just think about them and they will be right there with you. That pure love can never die. Feel that love and carry it forward with you always. 

If you'd like a reading to hear from a crossed over pet the information is here:


I also have a live pet reading for those that have questions about their living pets and that information is here: 


11 Things Not To Do If You Want To Attract Love

Are you trying hard to find love but it's not working?

Are you doing these 11 things that are blocking a genuine love from coming into your life?

Here is what not to do when trying to attract love:

  1. Holding on to old relationships 

Always let go and move forward from past relationships. Holding on only blocks you from moving forward. Focus on the lessons you learned from that relationship and bring that with you but leave the rest behind.

Don't treat new relationships any different because of past hurt. Don't take out previous pain on a new partner. Really work that out before you move on. Take the lessons you learned but leave the rest behind and start fresh with each new person. 

You want to move forward and not stay stuck in the past. You can never do that if you are replaying the past and criticizing past mistakes. Either regretting the past or wishing you were still in it will always block you from moving forward. 

If you are hanging on to old relationships you are closing the space for a new love to come in. Work through and fully grieve old relationships so you can open up space to move forward with new love.  

2. Lack of self love

It's so important to love yourself first because if you don't love you, you cannot attract others that will love you. If you aren't treating yourself right you won't attract others that will treat you right.

Take a good look at how you are treating yourself. Negative self talk? That will attract others that will talk down to you. Not trusting or believing in yourself? That will attract others that won't trust you or that you won't trust. 

3. Living in energies that repel love 

Before you can attract anything into your life you must add more of that same energy to your life. Are you looking for stability when it comes to love? If so look at where you are unstable in your life and make changes. 

If any element of your life is unstable, it's very important to work on that. Instability will only attract someone that is unstable. Really look close at each area of your life and take new steps to work on any areas that aren't stable.

This goes for anything you are looking for in love fun, comfort, etc. Whatever it is you are looking to attract in a partner really focus on adding more of that into you life in all areas.  

We are whole beings and must align every area of our life to what we want not just the one area we are working on. 

4. Too much focus on everyone else's problems

Don't focus on other people and what they are doing to you. Focus on what you are doing to attract them in the first place. We only have control over ourselves no one else. 

Nothing ever just happens to us we create everything in our life with our choices. The good news is by making some new choices you can get what you want. 

5. Feeling desperate

Desperation when looking for love will only lead you into desperate situations and attract those that will only hurt you. 

Know that happiness can only be found in yourself. Do not expect love to fill your happiness need. Yes love can make you happy but it's the cherry on top after you have found your happiness inside of you first. 

Being happy within yourself and not needing love to fulfill you is the best way to attract love to you. Looking for anyone else to fulfill you will never lead to anything and will only leave you empty inside. 

The beautiful thing is that you can find love and happiness within yourself without needing anyone else. Focus on your passion and your purpose and that will lead you there. If you don't know your purpose I can find it for you in a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing which you can get on my website. 

6. Not fully expressing yourself

When you keep things in and don't express yourself you aren't being your genuine self and can never attract a real genuine love. Be yourself and say what you feel when you feel it. You want to attract someone that will fall in love with you not with who you are pretending to be. 

7. Seeing yourself as having baggage

We have all made mistakes and have a past. See it as all learning experiences that made you the wonderful person you are now. When you see it as baggage, a weight, or problem you put out to the world that you aren't worthy. Instead be thankful for all you have learned and gained from those experiences and put that foot forward. 

8. Only focusing on the negatives in your life

Focusing on the negative will only attract more negative to you especially in relationships. Every negative thing you go through is there to teach you something to lead you to a better place. Look for the lessons in these negative experiences and make new choices to get out of them instead of just dwelling and lingering in them. They are always a tool to move onto a better life but you must look deep and find those lessons and make the necessary changes. 

There is always a new choice you can make as a step out of any situation. Focus on the positives and what you do have so you can attract more positive into your life. 

This especially applies to negative thoughts about yourself. Being happy with yourself is so important in attracting the right person for you. If you aren't happy with yourself the person you attract cannot ever be completely happy with you either. 


9. Not having fun in your life

Fun and laughter is a big love attraction magnet. Think about it aren't you more attracted to someone that is happy and having fun? Purposely find ways to have more fun and laugh in whatever way works for you. 

10. Not taking care of yourself

Nurture and be sure not to neglect yourself. When you neglect yourself you can only attract those that will neglect you as well. You must always put yourself first which in turn you will have more to give to others. Always put your oxygen mask on first. 

11. Expecting love to save you

Love is two whole people that come together to make things even better for each other. Never expect someone to come in and save you or make you feel fulfilled inside. Only you can find your own happiness and fulfillment. No one can magically do that for you. 

But once you have found that in yourself, love can help that grow even more and is the perfect cherry at the top of the sundae. But you must build that sundae by yourself first! 

If you would like some personal help on your love journey I have many different reading options available here: 


What Is Your Life's Purpose and Why Do So Many Get It Wrong?

When you are living your purpose things just fall right into place but if you aren't, life can feel really hard and you will just feel stuck. 

When you are perfectly aligned to your purpose you can tell because you will become more and more abundant in all areas of your life. 

Our purpose in life is never a specific job like most think. Our purpose is to use our purpose gifts in whatever we choose to do. We are all Divine beings with free will.

We aren't here to do a specific thing like become a doctor or journalist etc. We are here to experience ourselves, create, and to settle karma from past lives. We can experience ourselves negatively or positively that is always up to us and the choices we make. 

As long as you can use your purpose gift in what you do you can live your purpose. If what you are doing goes against your purpose gift then that would make things difficult for you.

The more you can use your gift, the better. It's more of a progression over time to keep adding it more and more to your life. As you add more of it into your life and use it more you will be inspired with how to use it even more. 

The more you use and align your life to your gift, the better your life gets. It's a process of adding it more and more over time. As you do you get happier and happier and more peaceful and abundant. 

Aligning with and using your purpose gift can assure you experience things the most positively possible. Life will be positive and much easier! 

We create the life we want for ourselves by our choices. The more we choose to infuse our purpose gift into our lives, the better and more abundant our lives will be in all areas. 

When you don't know your gift it can be like going through life blind through the mud and can be very frustrating. When you do know your purpose gift you can be mindful and align your purpose to everything you do in life with anything from cooking to major life changes. Knowing what your gift is gives you the power over your life and a clear vision instead of walking blind through life. 

The more and more you align to your purpose and the deeper you do, the happier your life will get. 

How do you know what your purpose gift is? 

Our purpose gifts are usually things we don't see as gifts because they come so easily to us that we think everyone can do it too but they can't. 

Some have more than one purpose gift and need to be sure to incorporate both into all they do. Think about what comes really easy to you? Your purpose will never be something you have to struggle to learn or get it will just be natural and easy. 

So what comes so easy to you that you don't even think it is a special gift? Working on finding your purpose is the best thing you can do for yourself and everyone around you. 

It can be hard for some to realize their purpose gifts on their own because over many lives we all create blocks from who we are which can make it harder and harder to know and use your purpose gift. Our negative choices create those blocks. Everyone is different and a negative choice for one person could be a positive choice for another. There isn't a set of rules that works for everyone that's why knowing who you are and what's positive and negative for you is so important! 

A negative choice is one that goes against who you are at soul level and against your purpose. A positive choice aligns with it. I promise positive choices will make you much happier and save you a lot of trouble! 

If you are stuck and have trouble knowing and using your purpose gift I can get you that information plus clear those blocks that have been created from life to life to make it easier to align to your purpose. I can do that and so much more in a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing. The full info on it is here:


Here Are The 5 Most Important Things You Must Do To Attract Love

Are your actions attracting love or blocking it from your life?  

Are you doing the 5 things that must be done to attract love?  Find out here: 

  1. Love yourself. 

This may seem cliche but it is so important. If you don't love yourself or you are always putting yourself down you will only attract those that won't truly love you and that will also put you down. 

How you treat yourself will be directly reflected in who you attract to you. Learn to admire yourself and be confident! 

Don't compare yourself to others, love your amazing qualities! Confidence attracts love. Think about it do you want someone that is insecure and down on themselves all the time? No, you want someone that is confident! If you aren't confident in yourself, no one else can be either! 

Work through any insecurities you have and know that you are exactly who you should be. Love is attracted to fun and confident. Let down the walls you have built up, love yourself and have some fun! 

2. Don't be overly focused on finding love. 

Unfortunately, love only comes when you least expect it and aren't really looking for it. When you are desperately looking for love an energy of desperation comes through and that can never attract love. 

Focus on finding that happiness within you first and put your energy into that instead. Happiness can only be found within yourself then once you do that love is the cherry on top! 

3. Let go of the past

You cannot be holding onto an ex or stuck in the past and also move forward with love. So really look back and be sure you have fully moved forward. Work through and close any past chapters so you can be free to move forward.

You can never move forward if part of you is still stuck in the past. Look into all areas of your past not just relationships. 

Are there emotions you haven't dealt with and things you haven't faced yet? Really focus on settling those things so you can free yourself up for love! Holding onto the past only takes up the space where love goes. Empty that space so you are really ready for love! 

4. Express your true self. 

Be yourself! Let your true self free! Hiding or being secretive can never attract true love. That only attracts more secretiveness and attracts those that can't be attracted to your true self which always ends badly.

Always speak up and say how you feel, never push anything under the rug or ignore any red flags. You must be your authentic self to attract authentic love. 

5. Don't ever look for someone to save you

Don't ever go into it thinking you need to be saved. To really find love you need to be whole in yourself first then love is the cherry on top. 

Looking for someone to save you will only turn into an unbalanced and unhealthy relationship. Remember only you can save yourself no one else can do that for you. 

If you would like some personal help on your love journey I have many different reading options available here: 


10 Steps To Find and Harness Motivation To Reach Your Goals

  1. Know what you want

The first step is to really figure out what you want. Not what others want for you but what you want. For some this may be hard if you are used to always doing what others want or what society says you should. 

You are your own person and are here to express yourself. Really focus on getting to the core of what you want.

2. Be sure you really want the goal in order to be motivated to manifest it. 

Make sure this goal is something you really want because you can't manifest something you don't really want. Make sure you are doing it for you not for anyone else. Working towards a goal is not always easy but wanting it badly helps to push you towards it. 

3. See the goal

Really envision, see, feel, and taste the desired goal. Think about what would change in your life if you reach it. Really feel it like it has already happened. 

4. Be specific 

Be specific with your intentions and go over them everyday so your spirit guides know what you want. Our guides help us to get what we want so if we aren't clear they can't help us.

Similarly, if you are continuing to do and accept things that you don't want in your life your guide will help you get more of what you don't want. This continues and becomes a vicious cycle.

Our choices, our actions, show our guides what we want and if we keep making choices that we don't really want we will continue to be guided to what we don't want.  We have free will and our guides can only help us create what we want which is shown by our choices. 

Are you staying in a job you hate and telling yourself you don't have a choice? Staying in a bad relationship? Staying and not taking active steps to make a change tells your guides you want to stay in a job or relationship you hate. 

But if you start taking active steps in another direction and show your guides that you want different, then your guides can help you. That's when "coincidences" show up and the right things will seem to just fall in your lap at the right time. 

The more clear you are with your intentions the more your guides can help you. Always remember your life is like clay and you are the only artist. Mold it exactly how you want! Don't limit yourself! You can have it all if you are willing to put the work in. 

5. Plan out the steps to get there

Figure out the actions to get there and do it. Just one small step can help with that motivation and get the ball rolling. 

You must do something new to reach a goal. What you are doing now is creating what you have now. You can never do the same thing and get different results. 

Don't overwhelm yourself with all that you have to do, just focus on one step at a time then when that's done move to the next one. 

Start by figuring out what the first step toward that goal is. As you complete each step, the next one will then become clear to you. So don't worry about figuring out every single step ahead of time. Have a general outline but just start with the first step then go from there. 

6. Schedule it!

If you don't schedule it, it won't happen! Make time to put into your goals and don't put it off. Put it on your calendar and make it non negotiable! 

7. Just start!

Starting is the hardest part for most people but once you do and get that ball rolling it gets easier from there so just push through and take that first step. 

8. Be prepared to be uncomfortable 

Know that there will be something that will go wrong before you reach your goal. As you change your vibration to meet the goal for a little bit you will be in between vibrations which can feel uncomfortable. This is normal and a sign that you are closer to your goal. Unfortunately this is the point most people give up. 

Most people think when it gets hard or uncomfortable that that's a sign to stop and that it's not meant to be but it actually means you are close to your goal so keep going. 

Knowing this will definitely happen and you can't reach your goal without it, helps so you are prepared. Plan for bumps in the road and plan to be uncomfortable. 

See it as a sign that you are close and have done great work so far! Know it is a good thing and just push right through it! When it does get uncomfortable or mishaps start happening, take more action to get out of that in between space. The more new actions you take towards your goal, the quicker you will get out of the uncomfortable part. 

9. Ignore the fear

Is fear stopping you? Change will always be a little scary at first but don't let that stop you. The more fear means the more possibility for bigger change/results. Fear can actually be a sign that this will be a wonderful big change for you! Harness that fear and use it as energy to push forward as you keep laser focused on your goal. Whatever you do don't let it stop you! 

10. Don't regret not doing it

Think about what if this is your last day on earth. What would you wish you did? 

Zero in on what's important to you and what you would regret if you didn't accomplish before you crossed over. Those are the most important goals to work on. 

I hear from those on the other side all the time wishing they did more. Go after what you want now! You never know how much longer you have left on earth. Make the most of it!

If you would like a private email reading to get some answers and guidance moving forward you can get one here: 


To be the first to hear when my new articles, sales, and discounts come out sign up for my email list here: 


10 Ways To Implement Healthy Boundaries To Change Your Life For The Better

Do you say yes when you want to and should say no? Are you putting yourself last? Are you depleted?

You create your life with every choice that you make. If you don't have boundaries you are only creating an unhappy and depleted life.  

Here are 10 ways to implement healthy boundaries that can change your life for the better:

1. The first step is to evaluate your life. Ask yourself these questions: Who am I surrounding myself with that I don't want? Who is only causing me pain and not enriching my life? What am I doing or taking on that I don't want to be?

Really get a clear plan of what you do and don't want in every area of your life. Knowing and getting clear about that ahead of time helps you to be more confident when you say no or implement a boundary. Really take time to dissect this, it is very important.

Know ahead of time exactly what you want and will accept in a relationship, at work, with your family, and in all areas of your life. Be clear with yourself and others about your boundaries up front and don't stray from them.  

2. The next step is to ask yourself why am I allowing this? Why am I accepting less than I should? Really look deep. Do you feel like you aren't good enough to live the life you want? Do you think someone else is superior to you? No one is ever superior, we are all important.

Those are the usual reasons people accept less than they deserve but look deep into your reasons.

You are good enough and every single one of us can have that happy life but it's up to each one of us to create it ourselves. Every single thing in your life you created by your choices.

The wonderful news is once you realize that and start making new choices you can create it exactly how you want!

As you accept one thing or one person in your life that you shouldn't, it only causes a domino effect and opens the door to accept more and more.

It also opens the door for illness to be allowed into your life because you are accepting more of what you don't want. The universe thinks that's what want and gives you more and more which becomes a vicious cycle.

3. After looking closely at what and who you are accepting that you shouldn't and why you are, now it's time to fix that going forward.

From now on, be strong in your boundaries and do not accept what you don't want. Don't just give in and settle.

By accepting it you are only saying that you want that. Don't go against your own feelings and gut. Trust yourself and feel secure that you know what is best for you.

Don't settle because you think that's the best you can get. You have unlimited opportunities so don't settle for any less than you want.

4. Don't say yes when you should say no. When you do that you say to yourself that you don't deserve to say no and you aren't good enough. In essence you are telling yourself and the universe that you are less than and you don't deserve what you want.

You are good enough and you never have to say yes when you don't want to. Don't take on more than you should. Always leave time for you to recharge. That way you can actually get much more done in the long run.

5. Be really clear on what you want and what you don't want. Knowing yourself clearly and knowing what you do want can help you to realize what you don't want right away and stop it immediately.

6. Boundaries with your time are important. So many forget about this one but having your own time is an important part of setting boundaries. Always make sure to schedule some time for yourself.

7. Boundaries in relationships. Do you give up your whole self when you are in a relationship? A relationship is much stronger if you know yourself and you have things just for you.

Be sure to not lose sight of the things you want and what you want to do. There should be a balance where you both have your own thing that is just for yourself.  

8. Boundaries at work can be tricky but are important. Do you let someone take advantage and take on more work than is right? Doing more than your job description can be a great way to get ahead but just be sure you are doing it because you want to, not because you feel obligated.

Really know your roll and think about what is appropriate and what isn't.

Having a clear understanding ahead of time will help you to implement those boundaries when the time comes. In a calm but confident tone just say "no that won't work for me" or "that will put too much on my schedule."

Don't think you have to have that overwhelming schedule. So many think that is just life but it's not. You create that and can make changes.

Not everything is actually necessary and there are always ways to make changes and do things a little differently. Always remember you are in control and you can create a new job for yourself or a new system or relationship etc.

Don't ever get stuck thinking this is how it has to be you can always make changes to make things how you want. It may take time and work and some uncomfortability along the way, but you can do it. It's your life you have full control.

9. Be okay with people not being happy about a boundary you create at first. As you start implementing these changes at first people in your life are going to push back and not like these boundaries, do them anyway.

They are used to walking over you and that's what they know. Eventually they will end up respecting you more and if not maybe it's time to remove them from your life.

Don't let the fear of losing people or hurting them stop you from creating healthy boundaries for yourself. If they do leave they shouldn't of been in your life in the first place. These healthy boundaries will also help you to attract healthier relationships into your life.

10. Know the incentives to good boundaries. One thing to help incentivize boundaries is if you don't have them difficult lessons around those boundaries will keep showing up in your life over and over until you do it. This will become an annoying vicious cycle that having boundaries upfront can eliminate.

Without boundaries you will only attract more and more people that will take advantage of your lack of boundaries but once you have those boundaries secure and unwavering then you won't attract that sort of thing anymore.

Think about boundaries as a fence around your personal space. When you allow things you don't want that personal space which is your life becomes someone else's space, someone else's life.

This is your life to create and live how you want to. Don't let others invade and take over your life!

Boundaries are the fence to protect the life you want. Don't allow that fence to be broken down and broken into. Protect your life fence with all you have!

A "yes I'll take on too much for me" here and a "sure you can walk over me" there and before you know it your life isn't yours anymore.

There is only a certain amount of time and when you take on more than you can, you inevitably give up part of yourself and neglect you. If you neglect you, you are no good to anyone.

Unfortunately so many have broken down their life fence long ago and can't even see how it can be repaired. Just take it one step at a time and before you know it a beautiful, impenetrable fence will protect the life you want.

It's important to know and acknowledge that you allowed any lack of boundaries that are in your life now. Know you are in control and can now create those boundaries you need to thrive and create what you do want.

If you would like a private email reading to get some answers and guidance moving forward you can get one here:


To be the first to hear when my new articles, sales, and discounts come out sign up for my email list here:


8 Ways To Move Forward After A Mistake

We all make mistakes that's how we learn. The important part is how we move forward afterwards.

We are here to make mistakes so we can learn and grow. Mistakes are a very important part of our growth. Every mistake helps us to learn and experience ourselves better.

We have all made every mistake there is to make in our many lives. Without mistakes and setbacks we could never fully learn. Appreciate every mistake for the growth you get from it.

Here are some things you can do to help move forward and leave that mistake in the past:

1. Forgive yourself.

This is very important. If you don't forgive yourself you can't move forward. If you can't move forward you will be stuck and more likely to make more mistakes. It becomes a vicious cycle.

2. Learn that lesson and figure out how you can prevent yourself from repeating it in the future.

There is a lesson in every mistake. If you don't look deep and find that lesson it's guaranteed to be repeated in your life again and again until you do. Each time the lesson will get stronger which means it's harder on you. Save yourself the trouble and start to look for the lesson the first time.

3. Don't stay stuck in guilt.

Guilt only causes you to attract more situations of guilt and holds you back. Know there are limitless opportunities for us and that one mistake doesn't mean we lose out on everything in the future.

4. Make changes.

If we do the same things we will always get the same results. Make changes to create a better situation for yourself going forward. Use that mistake to propel you into creating better circumstances for yourself.

5. Focus on what you do want going forward not on what you think you messed up on in the past.

Focusing on the past causes depression. Focus on right now and what actions you can take to make things better. That mistake is done and over so only focus on what you can control right now and going forward.

6. Hone in on and trust your instincts.

Before you made that mistake did you have a feeling in your gut? A lot of mistakes are made because people don't listen to their gut. If you look back you can see that the mistakes you have made you had that gut feeling first but you ignored it or didn't trust it.

The more you listen to you gut the stronger it becomes and the better you can recognize it. So moving forward really start paying attention to that so in the future it is clear and you listen to that warning.

7. Know that no mistake is too big to move forward from.

Even those that have made the worst mistakes there are can move forward in some way. Don't beat yourself up. There are people in prison for murder that have turned their lives around and have given back and made profound differences in others lives all from a prison cell.

There is always a way to move forward and do better from here on out. Let that mistake be a catalyst for great things not something that stops you from moving forward. The most important thing is that you make the most of it going forward.

8. Be thankful for that mistake and don't let it define you. Let it refine you!

Take it as a blessing that you now know it was a mistake and you won't make that mistake again. Now start focusing on what you can do from here forward. Letting a mistake stop you from moving forward is just another mistake. Focus on the great changes you can make going forward with what you have learned.

If you would like a private email reading to get some answers and guidance moving forward you can get one here:


Miscarriage From The Perspective of The Other Side

Going through a miscarriage can be so hard. I wanted to write this to give a different perspective on it to hopefully help anyone that has been through it.

So many suffer from miscarriages and they internalize the feelings associated with it. I wanted to shed some light and the bigger picture for those that have had a miscarriage.

Here are some things I've learned from the other side about miscarriages:

The soul of the miscarried baby knew they wouldn't born on earth beforehand. It can be hard for a soul to fully integrate into a body and can take some practice. Them getting to experience being in the womb even for a short time is practice for them to integrate into a physical body. That time in the womb helps them tremendously and they are very appreciative.

These souls get to dip their toe in per say. It's like a training program to eventually integrate into a body some day. The mother being the vessel for that is a big help to them and a blessing. The mother does so much good for that soul.

So many mothers of miscarriages feel this guilt that it was their fault but most of the time it's just something that your soul and the soul of the baby need to go through and is best for both in the end. These things were chosen by the mother and baby before earth as part of the journey all to reach a bigger goal.

This is also something the mother and to a degree the father's souls need to experience for a number of possible reasons. Experiences like that really help your soul to learn and grow and in the long run are a big help for you.

I have done a lot of readings for miscarriages over the years and there are so many different reasons a soul may choose to not fully be born.

In some cases, that soul didn't feel love in previous lives and just that short time in the womb they can experience that love and protection in a more physical way. That experience can then help them to grow and get to an even better place.

Even when a miscarriage happens from trauma or unhealthy choices of the mother, that soul knew it wasn't going to make it to earth before conception and chose that mother for a reason. It can be for the soul or the parent to learn or to teach some sort of lesson or to resolve karma which is very helpful in the long run.

Having a miscarriage or even an abortion does not damage the soul in fact the opposite. That soul learns and grows from it and becomes better and then can move on from there with that knowledge.

The actual soul doesn't come in usually until the end right before birth which can cause that pregnancy glow. They do check in from time to time and they connect with the mother and hover around her but the soul isn't in the body until right before birth.

I know it can be so hard to deal with but know there is a bigger reason and all that pain was not in vain.

There is a reason for everything even though on earth it may seem impossible that there could be a good reason for any of this.

Nothing ever just happens to us it's all from our past choices and for a bigger purpose.

There are many reasons it could be but I promise when you do cross over it will all make sense and you will understand why all of this happened.

For those of you that have been through a miscarriage I am so sorry and am sending you hugs. Just know that it was not in vain and is part of a much bigger purpose. Also it's important to know that you didn't do anything wrong!

If you'd like a miscarriage reading to see the specific details of your miscarriage click here:


If you would like another kind of reading or clearing click here:


How To Find Your Happiness In This Present Moment

So many of us are constantly thinking about the future or the past. Happiness can only ever be found in the present never the past or the future.

There will never be a time where you end your journey of wanting the next thing. Saying “I'll be happy when I get my new job, when I get married, when I have more money etc.” is very toxic because once you reach that “when” then the next goal comes.

This is a never ending journey so really make a point to enjoy the now. Later on you may be wishing you were back in that moment so just enjoy each moment fully while it's here.

Here are some tips I have found to help you find that happiness and stay in the present moment:

Think about it being the last time you will ever do what you're doing. I hear from those that have crossed over all the time and they always wish they knew it would've been their last time. You never know when it could be your last time to do or say anything.

Say everything you feel or want to say to those you love always like it is your last time. This way you won't have any regrets.

Enjoy petting your pet and be present like it's the last time every time.

I even enjoy doing the dishes. I have had injuries where I couldn't wash the dishes or do so many other things so be thankful for whatever it is you can do and appreciate it in the moment. At any moment things can change so just enjoy each moment.

Remember It can always be worse. When I was going through some really hard times and injuries I would always think about what could be worse and was thankful it wasn't worse. For instance I would think “I may be bedridden but I'm so thankful I'm not going through this on the streets in the cold. I'm so thankful for a roof over my head etc.” Appreciate whatever you have in that moment. It may not be ideal but it could always be so much worse and to someone else you are lucky.

Make even the tedious tasks fun. When I'm cleaning I put on music and just enjoy being able to clean and that I have my limbs and can physically do it. I listen to music and dance and am just present in it and enjoy it.

Try to not focus on what you have to do next. Most of us are so focused on what we have to do next that we miss out on the present moment which remember is the only place happiness can be found. What I do is set an alert to remind me when and what I need to do later so I can let it go for now and only focus on what I am doing in this present moment.

Enjoy every bite of food. You never know you may never be able to eat that food again. I've had a lot of foods that were removed from my diet forever due to allergies and illness and never got that one last time to enjoy them. So many people don't have food at all. Enjoy each meal like it will be the last meal. Make it a meditative experience, really savor and enjoy each bite. Don't just rush to eat it and on to the next task which also messes up digestion.

Enjoy showering and bathing. This tends to be a rush to get ready and onto the next thing.  Really be present and enjoy it. So many don't have running water or don't have hot water. Appreciate it like you never had hot water before or never will again. Don't take any little thing for granted. What seems small to you now could be mean the whole world to someone else or even yourself in the future.

Enjoy doing laundry. Think about how back in the day people spent all day using a rock by the river washing their clothes. Think about how lucky you are and how much easier it is to do now and how lucky you are to even have clothes.

Enjoy working out. Enjoy that your body is capable of doing it. Enjoy that you are strengthening your body. Enjoy some music and enjoy the break from the rest of your schedule. Don't see it as something you have to do, see it as something you are privileged to do.

Focus in on all 5 of your senses or all of the ones you do have. Be thankful that you can and focus in on what you can see. Be thankful that you can and focus in on what you can hear. Be thankful that you can and focus in on what you can feel and touch. Be thankful that you can and focus in on what you can smell. Be thankful that you can and focus in on what you can taste.

Sometimes we may take all of our senses for granted but not everyone has them and any of us could lose them at any time. Appreciate how wonderful it is to have these senses. The more you deliberately focus in on them the stronger they will start to get.

When cooking play your favorite music and take in all the scents. Be thankful for the ability to have food to cook, make it fun not just a chore to get done with.

While sitting in traffic be thankful for that time for yourself. Listen to an audio book or just take some time to reflect and enjoy being in your own company. Appreciate that you are in a car and not walking or in the elements etc.

In my readings I hear from the otherside all the time that it's the little things that meant the most in the end. In the end these are the things that matter not rushing to the next thing you think you have to do. Appreciate everyone and everything around you always like it's the last time.

Breathe in breathe deep often and be thankful you can.

Take time often to congratulate yourself for things you have already accomplished.  Focused on how far you have come, not how much farther you have left to go.

As you go through your day think about all the things you can appreciate and be present in.

Every moment is an opportunity for presence. Even the hard times. Being present in and feeling the sadness or anger or whatever emotion it is deeply will help you move through it faster. If you don't fully process things they will stay stuffed inside you and will pop up years later and usually in the worst way and at the worst possible time.

Overall whatever you are doing don't just focus on getting through it and on to the next. Appreciate that moment and that you have the ability to do whatever it is. Stay present, find the positive, and savor every bit of it like it is the last time you will ever be able to do it. You never know it just might be. Find your happiness right here and right now that is the only place it will ever be.

I specialize in readings and clearings to help people get answers, move forward, and create the life they want. All the information about my readings is here:


Here's The Difference Between Twin Flames and Soulmates, and Yes There Is a Difference

So many people seem to think soulmates and a twin flames are the same thing but they are different. Here are the differences:

Soulmates are two different souls that are made for each other. Twin flames are actually two souls created from one single soul split in half. Twin flames are actually very rare, most people have a soulmate.

So many romanticize twin flames but at times it can be much harder to have a twin flame instead of a soulmate. If both twin flames are not together on earth it can be extra hard for them. They will literally feel like part of them is missing and often don't understand why.

It's very common for twin flames that aren't with their twin flame to end up with drug problems and just have a hard time overall living without their other half. There are ways to thrive as an only twin flame on earth but so many don't realize it and get stuck in the feeling of missing something.

Twin flames are so similar to each other because they were created from the same soul. They usually have very similar interests and rarely leave each others side. They do practically everything together. Whereas soulmates can be very different from each other but they are just right for each other like an opposites attract situation.

Some lifetimes we may come to earth with our soulmate or twin flame but not actually be with them romantically. They could be your child or parent or friend etc. This is just a way for us to learn more from a different perspective.

We do not always come to earth with our soulmates or twin flames for many different reasons. One may need to catch up with the other and learn more so they come to earth alone to learn.

They may come to earth at the same time but one lives a shorter life than the other. They also may have came to earth with the intent of finding each other but their choices on earth may prevent that. There are so many different reasons this can happen.

But don't worry if your soul mate is not on earth with you this time there are always kindred spirits out there for you to have a great and fulfilling love with. There is always love out there.

On the other side we are only ever with our soulmate or twin flame romantically but on earth we need to experience other souls for us to really learn and grow.

My advice is to not worry so much about if someone is your soulmate or twin flame or not. Stay in the moment and judge the relationship by if it is working for you. Don't stay in anything that isn't working out of obligation. Enjoy the journey on earth and know that we will always be with our soulmate or twin flame on the other side.

If you'd like some help to decipher your love life or any kind of reading or clearing click here:


11 Quotes/ Inspirations To Inspire Change and Move Forward

1. You cannot grow without getting out of your comfort zone first. 

You can never get something new if you keep doing the same things you have been.

2. Up leveling is like cleaning out a closet. It has to get a bit messy first then put back together in a new way.

As you change vibrations it can get a bit messy but that is a sign that you are close to your goal and need to keep going not stop!

3. Take an active role in your life. Watching in the background won't get you anywhere.

Only you can take action to change your life, no one else can. Nothing will just happen. Start making that change to create what you want. 

4. Don't let your mistakes define you, let them refine you.

Everyone makes mistakes that is how we learn and grow. Use them to learn from and move forward. So many continue to focus on past mistakes which prevents them from moving forward. 

5. Be prepared BEFORE the opportunity shows up in your life.

So many miss out on opportunities because they aren't prepared. Put focus on what you want and get prepared for that so when the opportunity comes you are ready to take it. 

6. Look for the opportunity in every setback. There always is one.

If we got everything we wanted right when we wanted it our life would be a mess. Think about if we married the first person we wanted to. Learn from the setback and see the new opportunity that presents itself. It may mean you were just a little bit off or you just need to be more prepared. That exact thing may have not been good for you so focus going forward on what is good for you. 

7. You can never move forward if you are still in the past. 

Let go of the past it only holds you back from creating what you want. Take the lessons you learned but leave the rest behind. You have a much better future ahead if you can let go of the past weighing you down. 

8. Don't get stuck in planning so much that you never start doing.

I see this a lot people plan for years without actually taking the first step. The time is now start taking action now or you won't get there. 

9. Don’t escape reality, work to change your reality to what you want. 

You and only you are in control of your life. So many numb themselves or escape reality in some way. Instead of doing that put that effort into changing your reality and making it something you don't want to escape from. You have that power, use it! 

10. Don't let other people's drama distract you from your path. 

So many put their lives on hold to feed into other people's drama. Know that you don't have to do that. Pay attention and make sure you aren't doing that. Creating good boundaries is very important. 

11. Embrace change. It is the only way to move forward.

If you don't make changes you will always get the same thing you have always gotten. Fight through the fears and embrace change and the great things that come with it! 

If you would like a reading or clearing to help you to move forward go here:


What Is a Spirit Guide and What Do They Do For Us?

Spirit guides are souls just like us that have been to earth many times themselves. They are just souls a little more advanced than us that want to help us get the most out of our life.

Guides usually are no one you knew on earth. Sometimes they can be but that's very rare. As they guide you, they learn and grow from the experience as well.

It is a big commitment to be a spirit guide and a huge job to take on. They want the best for us and put in a lot of time and effort into helping us the best they can without interfering with our free will.

We choose our first main spirit guide before we come to earth and go over our goals etc. with them. Our guide knows us better than anyone and is always with us.

We all have at least one spirit guide. New guides will come in as well when necessary. As we make different choices in life new guides are added to our team to help guide us with those choices.

We also have temporary guides that our soul hires to help us through temporary things in our lives as needed. Depending on the choices we make, we acquire new guides to help us if our main guide(s) can't.

Spirit guides can also give access to thousands and thousands of other spirits to guide us for specific things that may not be their specialty.

Spirit guides will interchange depending on the choices you make. We always have free will and our guides do their best to keep up to speed with the choices we make. Some of us can really keep them on their toes. Having lots of guides isn't always better because sometimes having too much different guidance can be more confusing than helpful.

As a young child, only the first main guide we are born with is needed. This is because we don't make many choices yet and don't need more guides.

We usually acquire our second guide at around age 10. At that age we start to really make more choices on our own so another guide comes in to help. Children that are in tough situations and have to grow up fast may acquire a second guide earlier than most to help them through that.

We can also acquire spirit guides that help us do things that aren't helpful and are negative for us solely because of our choices. For instance, if someone is being bullied in school they may choose to retreat into themselves which helps them cope in that moment. That choice to retreat causes our soul to hire a spirit guide to help us continue do that. They make that choice to retreat so the spirit guide assumes that's what they want to do with their free will and that spirit guide will continue helping them retreat. Of course, that can affect the person negatively until they make an active choice to do otherwise and get out of that pattern. Every choice we make affects our lives. We are in control. If you think you may have a negative, unhelpful guide I can clear and remove them for you in a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing.

We have help on the other side trying to guide us and keep us on track but ultimately our choices are what dictate our lives. Some things in our lives are because of karma and choices we made in past lives as well. Every single thing in our lives, good or bad, is because of choices we made. Nothing ever just happens to us.

Our spirit guides try to guide us in the right direction. At first if you are headed in a direction that's not right for you they will gently nudge you then it will get stronger and stronger. It's as if at first they will throw a pebble then if you don't listen a rock, then a brick, then a boulder etc. So if it feels like you are constantly being stopped, you are most likely headed in the wrong direction.

Although, it can be tricky because sometimes you need to get knocked down and get up again to make it where you need to be. Before we get to something great we have been working towards there will always be a mishap or drama etc. that will occur. So many people stop there and give up but that's actually a sign that you are close to your goal and to keep pushing through it.

It's all about connecting with your inner self and listening to your intuition to find that balance. We are meant to connect deeper with our souls but unfortunately so many have gotten away from that. All the answers are inside us if we just make an effort to connect with them and most importantly listen.

When listening to your spirit guide It's important to go with the flow like you were in a canoe on a stream. Don't row or fight upstream, let your spirit guide guide you in the right direction all while choosing your intended path with active choice. This is a very fine balance. You don't want to give up control because it is your life and your choices but it's also important to look inside and pay attention to the signs your spirit guide is trying to give. You want to work together as harmoniously as possible.

Know that you are not alone on your journey and your guides are there to help you. Talk to them and tell them what you want so they can help you. The more clear you are with the path you want to go on the better they can help you!

If you would like a reading or clearing all the information is here: http://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop

8 Most Common Signs Crossed Over Loved Ones Send From The Other Side

So many miss signs that their crossed over loved ones are sending so I wanted to put this together to help. So many also doubt the signs when they do notice them. Know that your loved ones are always there and sending signs. Don't doubt yourself! If you feel it's a sign most likely it is.  

Here are the most common signs I've come across from my readings:

  1. Feeling bumps when you aren't cold. When they are near our body tends to translate it into a feeling of goosebumps, chills, or shivers.

  2. They love to send animals or bugs etc. The most common are birds and butterflies but each case is different.

  3. Finding coins especially pennies is very common. If you look down and come across a random coin most likely a crossed over loved one left that for you.

  4. Hearing a song that reminds you of them. It could be hearing it while in a store or in the car etc.

  5. It is very common to smell their perfume, cologne, cigarettes if they smoked etc. Any scent that reminds you of them may just come out of the blue.

  6. Finding feathers randomly.

  7. Dreams are a very common way they visit. Most people while awake can't pick up on their visits but in a dream state it's easier for them to come through to you. These dreams usually feel extremely real. But the person must be well rested for them to be able to come through.

8. Waking up at 3:30 is a sign because that's the most common time that spirits come through.

A lot of crossed over loved ones are now sending these signs through social media. So when you're scrolling see if there's a sign from your loved one!

Start really paying attention and you will start to see and feel all the love that is being sent your way. The signs are there are you noticing them?

Just know that they haven't left you and you will see them again! They will continue to leave signs to show you that they are with you! Earth is temporary for everyone and we will see everyone again.

Make the most out of your life on earth and enjoy yourself because that's what your crossed over loved ones want most for you! They don't want you to spend your time on earth being sad about them. They are in a happy place.

Enjoy your life and show them how great and happy you can make your life on earth. They will smile down and watch it all so make it fun for them to watch, not sad!

If you'd like a reading or clearing all the choices and information to get on my schedule is at the link below:


Why are people born into childhood abuse and hardship?

Ever thought about why some are born into hard situations and childhood abuse?

We all have free will and our choices dictate our life but what about those that are born straight into hardship before even making any choices?

When we start a new life we start off energetically where we left off in the last life. Those that abused themselves in some way including self harm, committed suicide, sacrificed themselves etc. will always start off in some sort of childhood abuse or tough circumstances in the new life.

Also, some choose to be born into hardships with the sole goal of working past them and then helping others out of that hardship as well. Unfortunately, a lot of these souls don't realize that and end up stuck in the hardship instead of working on moving past it. We all have a way to move past every hardship. It's not always easy but there is always a way and that's the goal.

We aren't here to suffer and we don't have to.  We are here to work out of our struggle patterns so we can triumph and move forward. It's so important that we work through and past these situations so that it doesn't continue to happen in life after life. Don't allow yourself to give in and just stay stuck in the struggle.

Nothing ever just happens to us our choices create them and carry on life after life until we work through them. Making healthy choices and respecting yourself can make not only this life better but your next life as well.

Most people continue the same patterns lifetime after lifetime. Really pay attention to and learn from your patterns so you can fix and end them now. Don't let them linger.

The takeaway from this is to treat yourself well so you can attract being treated well in this life and future lives. Be kind to yourself and love yourself so you can be born into love next time around!

If you need some help with finding and moving past patterns that are holding you back I recommend a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing . You can find info on that and all my readings and clearings on my website on the get a reading page: