6 Real Reasons Why You're Always Attracting Men Or Women Who Are Wrong For You

Here is my latest article that was published on YourTango:

Why are you always attracted to the wrong person?

You've read every relationship and dating advice there is and you thought you had them down to a T. But, for some reason, you always find yourself in toxic relationships. 

So, you say to yourself "Why is this happening to me? Why do I always attract people that hurt me?"

It's very important to realize that nothing ever just happens to us. We create it with our own choices, and that includes choosing to be in a toxic relationship and ignoring the signs of an unhealthy relationship.

If you want that aspect to change, you also have to make a few changes and stop toxic love from coming into your life.

Here are 6 reasons why you're always in toxic relationships and some relationship advice on how to stop. 

1. You treat yourself with less value

Do you put yourself down? Are you hard on yourself? Are you hurting or neglecting yourself?

If so, you will attract more of that negativity. It's important to treat yourself right and know your value so you will attract others that value you as well. 

2. You accept circumstances you really don't want

Do you not speak up when someone says or does something you don't like and just let it happen? Are you staying in a job or another situation you hate?

We are whole beings so choices we make in one area of our life will carry over into other areas. So many people tell themselves that they have to stay in a bad situation but no one tells them that they don't have to.

There is always something you can do to start getting yourself out of it and into something better for you. The key is you have to take some new actions to get there. That can be scary and it's the reason why so many people stay miserable but, in the end, it's always worth the effort.

3. You sacrifice yourself and what you want

When you sacrifice yourself, you will attract people that you will need to sacrifice yourself for and more and more circumstances of sacrifice in your life.

4. You don't really love or respect yourself

How you love and respect yourself will be directly reflected in how others will treat you. If you don't treat yourself well, no one else will either.

5. You hide who you really are

Show who you are, don't hide it. If you hide who you really are and put on a front you will only attract people that align with who you are pretending to be which will never be right for you.

6. You haven't fully dealt with your past

Face your issues and fully deal with your past so you can move forward. Anything not fully processed and dealt with will hold you back and hinder attracting the right people to you.

You can never move forward if you are still in the past. Until you deal with your past, similar situations will keep repeating in your life over and over until you finally do deal with it so the sooner the better. Of course, it can be hard to face these things but it ends up being more painful in the long run if we don't.

Always focus on the energy of your choices. If you make choices out of sacrifice you will get more sacrifice in your life. If you make choices out of love and for yourself you will get more love.

Every choice we make has a consequence so focus on making choices that result in good consequences!

Kristine Carlson is a psychic medium, an Advanced Soul Realignment Practitioner, and author. If you would like some answers about your love life or anything else, you can get a convenient, personal email reading or clearing from Kristine on her website.

10 Ways To Get 'Unstuck' & Start Creating The Life You Really Want

So many tend to get stuck in the day to day and lose sight of what's important. We can't move forwards if all we do is stay stuck in that day to day rut. Here are some tips to break through that:

Get your life back on track.

So many people tend to get stuck in the day-to-day that they lose sight of what's really important to them. And eventually, this daily routine can leave you feeling stuck, lost and hopeless about your future.

But you can't move forward and learn how to change your life if all you do is stay stuck in that daily rut. So if you're continually wondering what you should do with your life or how to be happier, it's time to break through that mindset and change your life for the better.

Luckily, there are plenty of things to do that can help you get "unstuck", shake up your daily routine and take action toward creating the life you want.

Here are 10 things to do that will help you get "unstuck", change your life and start creating the future you really want.

1. Focus on your goals.

Every day, make time to focus on what you do want and what steps you can take to get there.

2. Put things in perspective, and look at the bigger picture.

What if you died today? What would matter and what wouldn't? What would you wish you did? Really live your life focused on what does matter and what you want.

Those on the other side are able to easily see what really mattered and what didn't. Those still on Earth can have trouble with that. Really, think about how you would feel if you died right now.

Did you get what you wanted to accomplished? Did you let day-to-day life distract you? Did you say what you wanted to say? Did you try what you always wanted to?

Did you go where you always wanted? Did you just let life pass you by?

3. Take control of your life, and create it how you want.

So many people don't realize that they can actually do this. Society has a way of making us believe that we have to do so many things that we really don't. This is your life — create it how you want to.

Life doesn't have to be this rat race of doing something you hate everyday. You can get out of that habit, but you have to choose to take the steps toward doing what you want.

4. Make a list of all the things that are important to you, and start making them a priority.

If you don't make what you want a priority, life will pass you by and you will never get there. It's up to you and only you. Nothing will ever just drop onto your lap; you need to make it happen.

5. Say the things you want to those you love every day.

Don't ever let anything go unsaid that you will regret if one of you crosses over.

6. Schedule it.

If you don't schedule it, no matter what "it" is, it won't happen! Make time for what's important.

7. Do something different.

Do anything different to get your creative juices flowing, even if it doesn't seem to have anything to do with changing your life or what you want.

Sometimes, just a little change can help you get out of that stuckness and help you see what the next step is more clearly.

8. Focus on one step at a time.

Thinking about the whole long way to your final goal at once will only overwhelm you, so start small. There is always at least one small step you can take toward what you want. Begin there, and the momentum will guide you to the next step and then the next.

You can't always be able see the whole way of how to get there when you start, but you can see the next step. Take small, manageable steps if you feel overwhelmed or stuck, but the key is to do something.

9. Don't allow anything to stop you from reaching your goal.

As you change your vibration and get close to a goal, resistance will always show up. That resistance says you're getting close to achievement. That resistance will include drama, things breaking, changing your mind about if you really want the goal, telling yourself you've done so well and can take a break, etc.

So many people stop at that point, thinking it's not meant to be. The key to remember is that resistance actually means you are close to that life goal and you have to keep going.

As you change your vibration to match a goal, you end up in between vibrations for a little while, which is uncomfortable and causes that resistance. The only way to push through that is to keep taking action to get where you want to be. The bigger and more action you take, the sooner you can break through the hard part.

10. Follow through with new action.

The only way to get something different in your life is to start doing something different. If you have to take small steps, do that — but do something. Don't let your life slip away without doing what you really want!

Figure out what is most important to you, and start focusing on it. Today, not tomorrow.

When you put things off, they are unlikely to ever happen. You never know how many days you have left, so make the most of each one. This is your life; what do you want it to be?

If you would like a reading or clearing to help with this or anything else below is a link to the options I have available:

10 Reasons Why Sacrificing Yourself Isn't Noble

1. Depleting yourself only holds you back from your purpose and your highest path. It blocks you from being able to move forward.

2. Helping others from a place of lack doesn't really help them or you. Once you take care of yourself and get where you need to be, then you can help so many more people easily without depleting yourself.

3. Your kids and others around you will pick up that pattern and deplete themselves as well and it just continues on down the line. They will think that's the way it has to be. Do you want that for them?

4. Getting caught up in other people's drama only distracts you from your path. We are all responsible for our own stuff. Don't waste your energy on other people's drama then you both will be stuck. So many think that they don't have a choice and have to get sucked into the drama around them but you always have a choice, remember that!

5. You must be on solid ground first. Once you are then you can start helping those still in the water. If you aren't on solid ground first you will get dragged into the water as well.

6. We are all one so when we sacrifice ourselves we sacrifice everyone else too.

7. Anything you do out of obligation will only attract more and more obligation into your life. Getting out of that pattern is important. Remember you don't ever HAVE to do anything. Obligation keeps us from our path.

8. The goal is to get yourself to a place where you are fueled and fulfilled and living your purpose so you have extra vital force energy to give. Once you are fulfilled you can help so many others easily without sacrificing yourself and can make a bigger impact.

9. You cannot be your true self if you are sacrificing a part of you. We are whole beings and when one part of us is sacrificed it sacrifices the rest of us too.

10. You deserve to experience your full self while on earth, that's why we are here. When you give that up you can't fully do what you came here for and you will have to try again in your next life.

Please nurture yourself first. You need that oxygen mask on yourself first before your child or you both will be in trouble. You are a divine being, treat yourself that way!

If you want to know your purpose so you can start living it or would like to get out of this or any pattern I highly recommend a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing. I can help you get back on your path! The full description of what it can do for you is here:
