7 Tips To Help With Anxiety 

Anxiety can be so frustrating but it doesn't have to be a permanent battle. Here are some tips to help with anxiety:

  1. Stay Present

Anxiety can only live in the future or the past but not in the present moment. It comes when worrying about something in the future or because you haven't fully processed something that happened in the past. But it cannot live right here in the present moment.

So really be mindful to focus on this present moment and stay grounded. When you start to feel it, focus on your feet and see roots growing from them into the ground. Focus on your senses and on right now. Focus on what you see, feel, hear, smell, and taste right now. 

If you are having trouble grounding in the present moment, say out loud or in your head what you see: a blue couch, brown floor etc. And do that for all your senses for instance: I hear the dishwasher, I smell garlic from dinner etc. Really get yourself into this present moment and know you are okay in this present moment. You are safe. 

2. Fully process everything

Anxiety is a signal telling you about a possible danger. The thing is it's a little outdated from times when we needed that adrenaline and warning to help fight off danger like a tiger. But now it mostly warns us of our worrying thoughts and can make them feel like we have to fight a tiger. 

It also sends the signal to warn us when we haven't fully processed something from the past and that it's causing us trouble. If we don't fully feel or process something from the past it stays in us and just builds up and gets worse until we do. 

So it's so important to fully process and release things and not hold them in so they fester. Feel them fully and cry or scream or do whatever you need to do to get it out. Keeping it in and not facing it is what causes the worst anxiety and pain. 

Even though it may seem scary to fully feel and process whatever it is, in the long run it's so much easier and is less painful. Get it out of you, don't let it continue to build into a bomb inside you. You have the power to release it now, you are stronger than it, know that! 

3. Feel the anxiety fully

At first this may seem counterproductive because understandably all you want to do is numb it and get away from the anxiety feeling, but fully feeling it can actually help. It's like a trigger point on a muscle at first when you press it it hurts worse but after a bit it releases and feels better. 

Allow yourself to feel the anxiety feeling fully. Face it and feel it and again scream or punch a pillow or whatever you need to but feel it so you can release it and release its power over you. 

As I said before it's a warning signal from your body so if you just keep numbing it and ignoring it the signal will get worse and stronger in an effort to warn you. 

So feel that feeling deeply until it starts to release. Acknowledge to your body that you received the warning and it can stop warning you now. Feeling it and releasing it also takes away the power it holds over you and gives you that power back. 

4. Keep in perspective

Sometimes just reminding yourself of the bigger picture can help. Remind yourself that no matter what, you are living someone else's dream right now. Someone else could be dreaming to have food or clean water or to be able to see or walk etc. Focusing on gratitude for what you do have right now no matter how small is helpful.  

5. Let go of trying to control the outcome

Anxiety can creep its head when you are too focused on controlling an outcome. Take the steps needed towards what you want but focusing on trying to control every detail just causes anxiety and can block you from manifesting. 

Set your goals, take the needed steps, then trust that if it is in the highest and best for you it will work out. Plus the universe usually has a much better outcome than you can conceive of so trying to control it only limits you. So really focus on letting go a bit and trusting. 

Do what you can towards your goal and then let go and let the best outcome in. Stressing and trying to control it just pushes it away and creates so much anxiety. Let your spirit guides help you. They can't help if you are so focused on one particular outcome. 

So again take the steps needed then let go. Ask your guides for help and let the highest and best outcome in. Too much control blocks even better from coming through. 

This also goes along with perfectionism and or placing too high expectations on yourself that are impossible to meet, so be mindful of that. Be kind to yourself. We can be the hardest and most critical of ourselves so let go and give yourself some grace! You wouldn't be so critical of everyone else, give yourself that same grace. 

6. Change the feeling to excitement 

Oddly enough anxiety can have the same physical feeling as excitement just with a different underlying thought. So when you are in it, think of something exciting and try to feel that it is an excitement adrenaline spike  you are feeling instead of an anxiety/fear one. 

7. Be who you are at soul level

Living in a way that goes against your purpose and who you are at soul level will send up that anxiety alert as well. This is obviously different for everyone but could start off as staying in a relationship that goes against your purpose and who you are at soul level so your body is trying to help you see it's not right for you. 

Over lifetimes our choices have brought so many of us far from our true soul core. The anxiety is our body's way of telling us something is off and we need to make a change. So look deep and see if it is an alert that you need to align more to your true self. 

With every choice you make, ask yourself if it aligns with your purpose gift. Really get rooted in your true soul and live your purpose. Work on eliminating things that go against your purpose and who you truly are. 

That anxiety alert could just be telling you to get back to your true self so you can be happier and is trying to help you. If you don't know your purpose gift and who you are at a soul level yet I can help you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here: 


So overall stay in the present moment, be sure to fully process things so you can get them out of your way, feel into the anxiety to acknowledge it and release it, let go of trying to control every detail and be perfect, change the overriding thought to excitement instead, always keep the bigger picture in perspective, and always take steps to live aligned with your purpose and who you are at soul level in all you do. 

If you would like some more energetic help here is the link to my Anxiety And Stress Relief Energy Clearing Audio: 
