6 Things Not To Do If You Want To Find Love

  1. Don't treat yourself bad

Neglecting yourself and putting yourself last is a sure fire way to attract someone that will neglect you and put you last as well. So start treating yourself how you want to be treated! Always make time for yourself. No negative self talk! 

2. Don't allow others to treat you wrong

When you allow others in your life that aren't treating you right, you are telling the universe that's what you want and you will attract more of it. Instead be sure to not allow anything you don't want in your life. At the first red flag put up your boundaries and stop it right in its tracks. 

What you allow is what you are putting out into the universe saying "I want this". So really be sure you aren’t allowing any thing or any one in your life that you don't really want or you will only attract more of what you don't want. 

3. Don't be obsessed with finding love

When you are so consumed with finding love it actually puts out a desperate energy out there which actually repels love. The key to finding love is getting to a happy place within yourself where you don't need it, that's when it comes to you. 

So really focus on yourself and on what you want. Create a happy life for yourself and then that love will come to you and be the cherry on top. 

Get to a point where you realize you don't need love because you have all you need within yourself. Happiness has to come from within first. The happier you are and the more you don't need love, the more it is attracted to you. 

4. Don't live in a fairy tale

Never seek or expect someone to save you that can't attract real love. Know you can only save yourself. Fairy tale dreams of a prince saving you only harm your possibility for real love. 

Create your own fairy tale yourself on your own, you have that power. Be your own fairy tale and then that wonderful love will come. So focus on you and on creating your own happiness not expecting someone else to, then love will come. 

5. Don't worry yourself about time constraints 

This can be hard especially for women worrying about their biological clock ticking and pressure to get married. But that worry and desperate energy repel love and make it take even longer to come to you. 

So try not to worry about a time frame. Focus on what is in your control in your life. Create happiness in all areas of your life that you can. That happiness and confidence attracts love, not a desperate need to hurry. Trust that it will work out and concentrate on what you can do. 

6. Don't settle

When you settle in any area of your life you are saying you don't want better and want less than. Really look at what you are settling on in your life and make changes. You don't have to settle and when you choose to you only attract more circumstances where you have to settle which includes your love life. 

If you'd like help to find and clear the specific issues blocking you from love I can help you in a Finding Love Reading And Clearing. That info is here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/finding-love-reading-and-clearing