8 Ways To Live In The Moment And Make The Most Of Each Day

Being present in the moment is so important but not many people actually do. When we focus too much on the past it causes depression and when we focus too much on the future it causes anxiety. 

It's so important to really focus on the present moment. Here are 10 ways to start doing that:

  1. Conversation focus

When in a conversation really focus intently on the other person. Don't wander off in your head about what you are gonna say next etc. Really focus on them and on hearing, them seeing them, and feeling them. Stay fully present in the conversation. 

Interact with the depth and quality you would if you knew it was your last day or the person you are interacting with’s last day. Look into the eyes of someone you are talking to and let the phone go for a minute and everything else. 

Be completely present and aware of every detail. Are they smiling? Are they hearing you? Really connect like it's the last time. If it is the last time, what would you miss about them? Appreciate whatever that is and savor it right now in this present moment while it is still here.

In that perspective of it being the last time what doesn't matter falls away and you can really get to the core. Always think about every moment possibly being your last.

2. What would you do differently if this was your last day? 

We tend to get so used to and take for granted so much. In an instant it all could be taken away. 

Take each breath like it could be your last. Make it a deep breath and savor and relish in it. Feel it expanding your lungs and how it's sustaining you and keeping you alive. Feel how it is feeding and nurturing your body with the oxygen it needs.

Really think about what you would do differently if you knew this was your last day.

Would you hold onto that hug with your loved one a little longer? 

Would you say something you have been holding back? 

Would that stupid argument matter?

Really focus on letting go of what doesn't matter and focus more on what does matter and do it very purposely. 

3. Really be present when eating

So many of us are in a rush and eat fast which can cause a lot of issues. Take time to savor each bite of food. Eat slowly and really taste it. Appreciate it like you were starving for a while and finally got food. Cherish it like it was your last bite of food ever. 

The same with drinking. Really savor that sip of water like you were in the desert and were so thirsty. Enjoy it and appreciate it! really be present!

4. Pet love

If you have a pet focus on being even more present with them. Pet your pet and really feel that soft fur cherish it. Be extra present like it was the last time. Let the rest of the world fade away for that moment and zone in on the connection you have. 

Try to feel what they are feeling and sense what they need. Work on connecting on an even deeper level. Don't let yourself get distracted, really be present with them. 

5. Beauty focus

We are all surrounded by so much beauty but tend to overlook it and not really appreciate like we should. Look at the beautiful colors all around you. Look at your loved ones face. If your sight went away would you remember every detail stored in your mind to love forever?

Look at all the beauty there is in nature. Enjoy that tree or flower on a deeper level and really appreciate it. 

6. Zone in

Zone in on things purposely. Zone in on your heartbeat or your partner's heartbeat. Zone in on your breathing. Zone in on every feeling. 

Sometimes just really zoning in on a pain you have and listening to it will help it go away.  So instead of trying to avoid the pain,, zone in on it and really listen to it. Pain is always a sign to get your attention and to let you know you need to make some changes so really listen to it. 

7. Listen 

Really take the time to listen deeply. Listen to your loved ones talk, or music, or even silence. Whatever you hear connect deeper with it. 

8. Smell 

Really use your sense of smell and connect deeper with it. Be present and really take in what you smell around you on a deeper level. What dies that smell evoke in you? Does it bring back a memory? 

At first when you are trying to be more present your mind will wander but as you catch yourself and bring yourself back into the present moment it will start to happen more naturally. 

You will find a sense of peace and mental clarity from being in each moment as it's happening. So many people miss very important moments because they aren't focusing on the present moment. 

The past already happened and focusing on it only hinders moving forward. And the future moments you will give your full focus then. Don't let anything slip by! We only ever have the now, so make the most of it and enjoy it!  

If you would like a reading to help you in your life all of the choices are here: 
