The 3 Most Common Ways People Block Themselves From Finding Real Love

There are three common blocks that come through over and over for people looking for love so I wanted to write about them so you can avoid them. If you are looking for love be sure to look deep and make sure you aren't getting in your own way of real love! Here are the three most common blocks to real love:

  1. Holding onto the past 

When you are still holding onto the past or a past love that stops you from moving forward. Any ties to the past literally keep you tied there. Those ties can never allow you to move forward in any way, they will always pull you back. Those ties physically, mentally and emotionally hold you back and block not only love but other things you want to move forward. 

Really look deep and tie up any loose ends and close any open doors. All doors must be closed and locked tight in order to open any new ones. 

There are many ways to be stuck in the past. It could be still holding out hope an old love will come back, or literally still seeing your ex and not fully letting go. It could be reliving something you wish you did differently in the past or reliving your "glory days." You can create even better times ahead but not if you are still stuck in the past and think those were your best times. 

There are so many ways to be blocked by not letting go of the past so be really mindful and be sure you aren't holding onto the past in anyway. Let go so you can move forward to better, to real love! 

2. Mistreating themselves

This is a big one. If you are mistreating yourself or putting yourself last you can only attract others that will mistreat you and put you last as well. Real love would not mistreat you so this leads to never being able to attract real love. Martyrs cannot attract real love so remember that. Don't put yourself down or last. 

Remember the oxygen mask must go on you first! You must treat yourself right and respect yourself in order to attract real love. Look at how you see yourself and treat yourself. Start treating yourself like you want your love to treat you. 

Cherish and truly love yourself. Happiness and confidence are big love attraction magnets. Love yourself so you can find someone that truly loves you as well. 

3. Staying with someone they shouldn’t for way too long

This is another one. People tend to try to make a relationship work and hope it will change far after they should have left. The longer you stay and accept things you shouldn't, the more of that you will attract into your life so it becomes a vicious cycle. 

If a relationship is not working for you after trying to work on it then let it go. The longer you stay, the worse it gets and the longer until you can find your real love.

Staying where you aren't happy only tells the universe that you want that so more things you aren't happy about will show up in your life in all areas. Our choices create our lives so only choose what you do want and show the universe what you really want instead of what you don't want. 

What we allow or accept is basically ordering more of it onto our lives. So don't accept or allow anything you don't want. Create what you do want instead of more of what you don't want. Look carefully what are you accepting or putting up with that you shouldn't be? 

Work on these things so you can attract a real love. Don't get in the way of love, get ready for love! 

If you'd like help finding and clearing what's blocking you from love and more I can help you in a Finding Love Reading And Clearing. You can get that here:

I also have plenty of other love related readings for whatever part of your love journey you are on. All the choices are here: