8 Things To Do When You're Single To Prepare For Your Next Relationship

  1. Focus on you!

It's so important to put a lot of focus into yourself and your growth while you are single. We change a lot over time, so take the time to learn who you are now compared to who you were. 

Indulge in things you want to do and learn more about yourself. The more you express your true self, the better you are to attract a true love. Really get to your core and find yourself!

2. Be clear on what you really want

What do you want in your next relationship? What don't you want? Or maybe you don't want a relationship for a while. Any answer to this is perfect as long as it's what you really want. 

Be selfish and figure out what you want. The clearer you are with what you want and don't want, the more your spirit guides can help you to get there. You have to be clear with yourself about it first before you can attract it. 

3. Look at previous patterns

We all have recurring patterns in our lives and in our relationships. Until we learn from them and make changes they will keep occurring in every relationship over and over no matter who we are with. So it's so important to get to the bottom of and learn from those patterns. 

Have some reflective time and look back on patterns that have repeated in your life and your relationships. Don't judge yourself but see what you'd like to change going forward and in your next relationship. If you want different you must do different going forward. 

Don't focus on what the other person did or didn't do, focus on you. We can only control ourselves, not anyone else. By changing your choices going forward you can make for a happier relationship next time! 

4. Think about these things

Take some time to really reflect, think about, and answer these questions for yourself:

Did I miss or ignore red flags in my last relationship?

Did I check out of the relationship too soon because I was afraid to get close?

Did I stay in the relationship too long hoping things would change?

Did I lose myself in that relationship?

Did I do all I could? 

What can I do differently next time to be even better? 

Answering these questions can help guide you for what to change going forward so be honest with yourself. 

5. Let go of the past

Once you have dissected and learned from your past you have to let it go. We can never go forward if we are still stuck in the past and that goes for everything not just relationships. 

We have a certain amount of room for things in our lives and in our heart and holding onto the past takes up so much room it prevents you from creating a better future! 

Take the lessons you learned with you but leave the rest behind. Focus on what you want in the future! Use those lessons as a golden ticket to get what you really want next time around!

6. Heal anything unresolved

Be sure to work on and heal any unresolved issues. If you don't they will be baggage you carry with you. That extra baggage only makes things more difficult for you so do yourself a favor and work on it now! I promise it's less painful to work on it then it is to carry it around with you! 

 7. Focus on what you can do to be better

Think about all the wonderful things you can do better next time. Get excited about the new more evolved person you will be in your next relationship! You can have that better relationship and it all starts with you! 

8. Focus on what you want to attract

If you want to attract stability in a partner start creating more stability in your own life. If you want to attract compassion see how you can be more compassionate in your life. If you want to attract passion add more passion in your life. Whatever you want to attract add more of that to your own life! 

If you really want to work on yourself, find out your purpose, get blocks that are in your way cleared, and so much more I  recommend a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. The full information is here: 


I also have a Finding Love Reading and Clearing if you are ready now to find love! The information on that is here: 


If You would like another kind of reading, clearing, or coaching all the choices are here:
