5 Common Blocks to Intuition and How to Overcome Them

Intuition is your internal GPS, when it is off it can throw everything else off in your life too. Intuition is a powerful inner guidance system that can lead us toward a life of purpose, fulfillment, and alignment. 

It is just as important as any of our organs but unfortunately is rarely used and even more rarely used to its full capabilities. It is a tool that helps all areas of your life. It is like a muscle and can be purposefully worked on to better your life. 

Despite us all having an intuition there are various factors that can block our ability to tap into our intuition effectively. So I want to help you with any blocks so you can live your best life. 

Today I'm going to go over 5 common intuition blocks and provide practical strategies to overcome them, allowing you to reconnect with your inner wisdom and live your best life.

  1. Overthinking and Analytical Mindset:

One of the main blocks to intuition is an overactive analytical mind. When we constantly analyze and rationalize every decision, we drown out the subtle whispers of our intuition. Overthinking creates noise that obscures our inner guidance, making it difficult to hear or trust

To overcome this block, practice quieting the mind through mindfulness meditation or deep breathing exercises. Engage in activities that promote presence and stillness, such as spending time in nature or practicing creative pursuits like art or journaling. By quieting the analytical mind, you create space for intuition to emerge and guide you.

2. Fear and Doubt:

Fear and doubt are huge blocks to intuition. When we are consumed by fear of the unknown or doubt in our abilities, we second-guess our intuitive insights and hesitate to follow them. This fear-based resistance can prevent us from taking the necessary steps toward growth and fulfillment.

You can grow self-awareness by exploring the underlying fears and limiting beliefs that are blocking your intuition. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that it's natural to experience fear when stepping into the unknown. 

Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with affirmations that affirm your innate wisdom and capability. Know that you always have control over your thoughts, don't let them control you. Trust that your intuition is a guiding light, leading you toward paths of growth and expansion.

3. External Noise and Distractions:

We live in a world filled with constant stimulation and distractions, it's easy to become disconnected from our inner voice. External noise from technology, media, and societal expectations can drown out the subtle whispers of intuition, leaving us feeling lost and disconnected.

To help this create sacred spaces and moments of stillness in your daily life where you can tune out external noise and reconnect with your inner self. Limit exposure to digital devices and spend time in quiet contemplation or reflection. Engage in activities that foster introspection, such as journaling, meditation, or spending time in solitude. By prioritizing moments of inner silence, you can amplify the clarity of your intuitive insights.

4. Emotional Turmoil and Stress:

Emotional turmoil and stress can cloud our intuition, making it challenging to discern between genuine intuitive nudges and reactive impulses driven by fear or anxiety. When we are overwhelmed by emotions, it's easy to lose sight of our inner compass.

To help this be sure to prioritize self-care practices that support emotional well-being, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy coping mechanisms like journaling or talking to a trusted friend or therapist. Develop a mindfulness practice to cultivate awareness of your emotions without getting swept away by them. By nurturing emotional resilience, you create a clear channel for intuition to flow.

5. Lack of Self-Trust:

Perhaps the most significant block to intuition is a lack of self-trust. When we doubt our worthiness or question our ability to make wise decisions, we diminish the power of our intuition. Without self-trust, it's challenging to believe in the validity of our intuitive insights. Help grow your self-trust by honoring your intuition and acknowledging the times when it has guided you successfully in the past. 

Keep a journal of intuitive experiences and reflect on the outcomes when you've followed your inner guidance. Try to remember that feeling when you got the nudges so you recognize it later and it's easier to trust. Looking back when you wish you would have listened to your intuition can help you remember the feeling so you recognize it better next time. 

It is a practice and becomes better and better. Learn about yourself and how it feels to you when you get those intuitive hits. Looking at past ones you have gotten whether you listened or not is very helpful in that practice. 

Practice self-love and acceptance, recognizing that you are inherently worthy of trust and capable of making choices aligned with your highest good. As you strengthen your self-trust muscle, you empower your intuition to become a reliable compass for navigating life's journey.

Intuition is a natural gift within each of us, offering guidance and wisdom on our path toward alignment and fulfillment. By recognizing and addressing the blocks that inhibit our intuition, we can create space for its voice to emerge clearly and guide us toward our highest potential. 

Through practices of self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-trust, we can overcome these blocks and cultivate a deep connection with our inner wisdom, empowering us to live authentically and in alignment with our soul's purpose.

If you would like personalized help with your intuition I have personal intuition coaching available. That info is here:


This intuition audio is helpful in building your intuition and removing blocks energetically:


If you do not know your purpose gift yet a Soul Realignment can be very helpful with intuition and everything else in your life. That info is here:


The 8 F's to Stay Present and Enhance Your Life

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos of daily life and lose touch with the present moment. However, staying present is essential for finding happiness, connecting with our inner selves, accessing our intuition, and aligning with our soul's purpose. 

By cultivating presence, we can enhance our lives and experience greater clarity, joy, and fulfillment. Happiness can only be found in the present moment. If you can’t be present you can't find happiness and I want happiness for you! So today I want to share eight powerful practices to help you stay present and harness the transformative power of the present moment.

1. Focus:

The first step in staying present is cultivating focus. With countless distractions vying for our attention, it's crucial to develop the ability to direct our attention intentionally. Practice mindful focus by setting clear intentions for your day, week, or even specific activities. 

When engaged in a task, be fully present and immerse yourself in the experience. If your mind starts to wander, gently guide it back to the present moment. By focusing your attention on the task at hand, you bring a sense of clarity, purpose, and presence to your actions.

Sometimes we can get too caught up in our heads but presence requires our physical body since we are in a physical world. So when you feel too much in your head, ground yourself by feeling your feet on the floor. Feel your legs and each part of your body and notice where you are physically in that moment. 

This is especially important for those of us that are spiritual. We tend to be out of our bodies a lot. Being grounded in our bodies can actually be more spiritual than traveling to other astrals. We are full beings so don't leave out your physical self!

2. Flow:

Flow refers to the state of being fully absorbed in an activity, where time seems to fade away, and you experience a deep sense of engagement. When you find yourself in a state of flow, you are inherently present. Identify the activities or pursuits that allow you to enter this state. It could be playing an instrument, painting, writing, or engaging in sports. By intentionally incorporating more flow-inducing activities into your life, you create opportunities to cultivate presence and align with your authentic self.

3. Feel:

To stay present, it's essential to connect with your emotions and be in touch with your inner world. Often, we get caught up in the busyness of life and neglect our emotional well-being. Take time each day to check in with yourself and honor your feelings. Practice self-reflection, journaling, or meditation to explore your emotions and thoughts without judgment. By acknowledging and processing your emotions, you create space for greater presence, self-awareness, and emotional well-being.

Not paying attention to and processing your emotions properly causes you to store them in your body. Then this causes you to over eat, try not to feel, or use substances to get unconscious so you don't have to feel the pain of those feelings. But that unconsciousness itself blocks out happiness. Feeling them and releasing them is the path to happiness. Most of the time it's much less painful than you think. And 100% of the time feeling them now is less painful then keeping them in to ruin and hurt your future self.  

It's way less painful to feel them as they come and release them instead of storing them, constantly feeling them and running from them, and inevitably causing them to come back with a vengeance much worse and usually at the worst possible time.  

So next time a feeling or emotion comes instead of numbing it or trying to hide from it fully feel it and let it out. Cry, scream, punch a pillow or do whatever you need to do to let it out. Sometimes just acknowledging it is all it needs to go away. When you don't acknowledge it, it needs to get louder and worse to get your attention so you do acknowledge it. 

So acknowledge it, feel it deeply, and then let it go so it can't get in your way any longer. When you deeply give into fully feeling it, it gets less powerful like using trigger points on a muscle. 

4. Faith:

Faith plays a significant role in staying present. It involves trusting in the journey of life, surrendering to the present moment, and having faith in yourself and the universe. Cultivate faith by letting go of the need to control every aspect of your life. 

Embrace uncertainty and surrender to the flow of life, knowing that everything unfolds in divine timing. Trust in your intuition and the guidance it provides. By having faith, you release anxiety and resistance, allowing presence and serenity to permeate your life.

5. Five Senses:

Our senses are doorways to the present moment. Engaging with them consciously can help you ground yourself and awaken to the richness of your experience. Take a moment to notice the sensations of touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound around you. Pause and appreciate the texture of an object, savor the flavors in your food, or simply gaze at the beauty of nature. 

By immersing yourself fully in the sensory experience, you can shift your awareness away from the past or future and embrace the present more fully. See everything like it's the first time you can see. See all the colors and all the little details around you. 

Tune in and hear all the sounds around you, not just the most noticeable ones. Smell any smells around you and dive into them fully. 

Feel everything you feel when you touch something or just the cold or heat or sensation of air in your skin. Feel how your clothes feel on your body. Taste everything and notice every different taste and sensation. 

6. Food:

We all have to eat but most people eat unconsciously and aren't present at all. Eating unconsciously enables us to eat more than our body should have, push down and ignore emotions (which as I said earlier will always come back later to bite us) and makes it easier to live unconsciously which of course blocks out true happiness. 

Eating consciously can also help with digestion and nutrient absorption. When you eat, really make that the sole thing you are doing at that moment. Take your time. Breathe in deeply and smell it. feel any warmth or cold coming off of it. Really see all the colors. 

Take small bites and cherish them like it's the only thing you will ever have to eat. Really appreciate it. Feel the textures. Be sure to chew thoroughly before you swallow. A lot of digestion problems are caused solely by not fully chewing your food so your digestive system has to do more work and slows down.

Make food an experience not just something you hurry up to get through. Focus on staying present and not tuning it out. 

7. Feel Gratitude:

Gratitude is a powerful practice that brings your attention to the blessings and beauty in your life. By focusing on what you appreciate in the present moment, you shift your energy from lack to abundance. Take time each day to reflect on what you're grateful for. It could be as simple as a warm cup of tea, having food to eat, a loving relationship, air to breathe, a roof over your head, having legs and arms to use, or the opportunity to pursue your passions. As you cultivate gratitude, you become more attuned to the present moment, recognizing the gifts it holds.

8. Fulfillment:

Living a fulfilling life is intricately connected to staying present. When you engage in activities that align with your values, passions, and purpose, you naturally experience a deep sense of fulfillment. 

Take time to explore what brings you joy and ignites your soul. Identify your passions and purpose, and make conscious choices that support their expression. By aligning your actions with your soul's calling, you infuse every moment with purpose and fulfillment.

If you need help connecting with your soul and knowing and living your purpose I can help you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here:


In conclusion, the 8 F's—Focus, Flow, Feel, Faith, Five Senses, Food, Feel Gratitude and Fulfillment—are powerful tools to cultivate presence and enhance your life. By harnessing these aspects, you can align with your true self, connect with your intuition, and live in alignment with your soul's purpose. 

Embrace each F in your daily practice, whether it's setting clear intentions, immersing yourself in flow-inducing activities, honoring your emotions, surrendering to the present moment, experiencing your senses and food, feeling gratitude, or pursuing a fulfilling life. Remember, staying present is a continuous journey, and by integrating the 8 F's, you empower yourself to live authentically. 

7 Tips To Help With Anxiety 

Anxiety can be so frustrating but it doesn't have to be a permanent battle. Here are some tips to help with anxiety:

  1. Stay Present

Anxiety can only live in the future or the past but not in the present moment. It comes when worrying about something in the future or because you haven't fully processed something that happened in the past. But it cannot live right here in the present moment.

So really be mindful to focus on this present moment and stay grounded. When you start to feel it, focus on your feet and see roots growing from them into the ground. Focus on your senses and on right now. Focus on what you see, feel, hear, smell, and taste right now. 

If you are having trouble grounding in the present moment, say out loud or in your head what you see: a blue couch, brown floor etc. And do that for all your senses for instance: I hear the dishwasher, I smell garlic from dinner etc. Really get yourself into this present moment and know you are okay in this present moment. You are safe. 

2. Fully process everything

Anxiety is a signal telling you about a possible danger. The thing is it's a little outdated from times when we needed that adrenaline and warning to help fight off danger like a tiger. But now it mostly warns us of our worrying thoughts and can make them feel like we have to fight a tiger. 

It also sends the signal to warn us when we haven't fully processed something from the past and that it's causing us trouble. If we don't fully feel or process something from the past it stays in us and just builds up and gets worse until we do. 

So it's so important to fully process and release things and not hold them in so they fester. Feel them fully and cry or scream or do whatever you need to do to get it out. Keeping it in and not facing it is what causes the worst anxiety and pain. 

Even though it may seem scary to fully feel and process whatever it is, in the long run it's so much easier and is less painful. Get it out of you, don't let it continue to build into a bomb inside you. You have the power to release it now, you are stronger than it, know that! 

3. Feel the anxiety fully

At first this may seem counterproductive because understandably all you want to do is numb it and get away from the anxiety feeling, but fully feeling it can actually help. It's like a trigger point on a muscle at first when you press it it hurts worse but after a bit it releases and feels better. 

Allow yourself to feel the anxiety feeling fully. Face it and feel it and again scream or punch a pillow or whatever you need to but feel it so you can release it and release its power over you. 

As I said before it's a warning signal from your body so if you just keep numbing it and ignoring it the signal will get worse and stronger in an effort to warn you. 

So feel that feeling deeply until it starts to release. Acknowledge to your body that you received the warning and it can stop warning you now. Feeling it and releasing it also takes away the power it holds over you and gives you that power back. 

4. Keep in perspective

Sometimes just reminding yourself of the bigger picture can help. Remind yourself that no matter what, you are living someone else's dream right now. Someone else could be dreaming to have food or clean water or to be able to see or walk etc. Focusing on gratitude for what you do have right now no matter how small is helpful.  

5. Let go of trying to control the outcome

Anxiety can creep its head when you are too focused on controlling an outcome. Take the steps needed towards what you want but focusing on trying to control every detail just causes anxiety and can block you from manifesting. 

Set your goals, take the needed steps, then trust that if it is in the highest and best for you it will work out. Plus the universe usually has a much better outcome than you can conceive of so trying to control it only limits you. So really focus on letting go a bit and trusting. 

Do what you can towards your goal and then let go and let the best outcome in. Stressing and trying to control it just pushes it away and creates so much anxiety. Let your spirit guides help you. They can't help if you are so focused on one particular outcome. 

So again take the steps needed then let go. Ask your guides for help and let the highest and best outcome in. Too much control blocks even better from coming through. 

This also goes along with perfectionism and or placing too high expectations on yourself that are impossible to meet, so be mindful of that. Be kind to yourself. We can be the hardest and most critical of ourselves so let go and give yourself some grace! You wouldn't be so critical of everyone else, give yourself that same grace. 

6. Change the feeling to excitement 

Oddly enough anxiety can have the same physical feeling as excitement just with a different underlying thought. So when you are in it, think of something exciting and try to feel that it is an excitement adrenaline spike  you are feeling instead of an anxiety/fear one. 

7. Be who you are at soul level

Living in a way that goes against your purpose and who you are at soul level will send up that anxiety alert as well. This is obviously different for everyone but could start off as staying in a relationship that goes against your purpose and who you are at soul level so your body is trying to help you see it's not right for you. 

Over lifetimes our choices have brought so many of us far from our true soul core. The anxiety is our body's way of telling us something is off and we need to make a change. So look deep and see if it is an alert that you need to align more to your true self. 

With every choice you make, ask yourself if it aligns with your purpose gift. Really get rooted in your true soul and live your purpose. Work on eliminating things that go against your purpose and who you truly are. 

That anxiety alert could just be telling you to get back to your true self so you can be happier and is trying to help you. If you don't know your purpose gift and who you are at a soul level yet I can help you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here: 


So overall stay in the present moment, be sure to fully process things so you can get them out of your way, feel into the anxiety to acknowledge it and release it, let go of trying to control every detail and be perfect, change the overriding thought to excitement instead, always keep the bigger picture in perspective, and always take steps to live aligned with your purpose and who you are at soul level in all you do. 

If you would like some more energetic help here is the link to my Anxiety And Stress Relief Energy Clearing Audio: 


Why Over Giving Is The Kiss Of Death In Any Relationship

A lot of over-giving blocks have been coming up in my clients' readings lately so I thought it would be helpful to write a bit about it to hopefully prevent some of you from blocking yourselves! 

Over giving seems like a kind thing right? Almost like you'll get extra brownie points from the universe from it. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Those that over give do it from a good place but it actually does more harm than good not only to yourself but those you are over giving to. 

First of all we are here on Earth to experience ourselves and learn about ourselves through our circumstances and relationships all by hopefully using our purpose gifts. When we put ourselves last we are then right away off our intended path on earth and wasting precious earth time. 

Over giving is the kiss of death in relationships so be careful! People may think "I want to make sure I don't lose them so I'm going to go above and beyond to prove I'm worthy." But most actually like the chase and when it's too easy they get bored. Also unconsciously they realize "what is she/he covering up trying so hard." and it pushes them away when they usually don't even know why. 

If they aren't pushed away right away they start to expect that over giving and you will always end up depleted someday, it's not sustainable. They also lose respect for you even if it's not consciously.  And you will start to resent them for not giving as much.

And then the people around you will actually get mad at you when you try to take care of you and stop that pattern. They get mad because they think that was your true self (the over giving) and when you stop it you become the bad guy. 

You are the one changing things up and at some level lying to them and yourself that you could keep it up. This over giving can be in many ways physically, emotionally, mentally, monetarily etc. so keep that in mind. 

Over giving also makes you start attracting narcissists or takers and becomes a vicious cycle. Over giving can stem from insecurities and not feeling good enough in some way so you over give to compensate and make them like you. But you are amazing just as you are and over giving is actually one of the quickest ways to end any relationship. 

I'm not saying not to give, just focus on it being equal give and take. If they aren't giving at all don't you start over giving hoping that will change. If they aren't giving on their end maybe see that as they aren't right for you right now and cut it off. 

Don't let insecurities come out unconsciously and say "they aren't giving because I'm not good enough, let me give more to change that." Remember you are more than good enough for the right person and there's no need to waste time proving that to the wrong person.

Over giving goes against healthy boundaries and just begs to be walked all over. It's ironic because we think we are doing everything to make them happy but it actually does the opposite. 

So be sure you are taking care of yourself first and then you can give from that place. Giving from depletion causes everyone issues. That's how enabling starts and then they become dependent and it stops their growth to learn to do it on their own. 

So many see putting themselves first as selfish which it's not. Don't see it as selfish, see it as regular upkeep. It's like brushing your teeth or taking a shower but for your soul and spirit. You don't see showering or brushing your teeth as selfish right? And when you are filled up you actually have more to give so it's actually selfish to not fill yourself up first! 

So pay attention to your patterns and be sure you aren't blocking yourself by over giving! 

If you need help with this or anything you can get on my schedule for a reading or clearing here:


Why Trying To Manifest Money And Losing Weight At The Same Time Will Block You From Both

First of all, manifesting isn't magic like some people think. It's all about taking the right energetic actions and direct actions towards what you want and being sure to stay true to your purpose and who you are as you do that. 

A lot of times manifesting one thing will take the opposite actions as manifesting another which will only work against each other. It's never advised to try to manifest more than one thing at once. 

That's like trying to go to the bank and the grocery store at the same time you will just spin your wheels and end up going nowhere. This blocks a lot of people because they try to manifest more than one thing at once and get nowhere and start to believe they can't manifest and that belief takes hold and then they can't manifest. It becomes a vicious cycle. 

The key is manifesting the most important thing first then giving it time to stabilize in your life and then work on manifesting the next thing. And most of the time manifesting the one thing actually causes the other to manifest automatically too. So in the bank/ grocery store scenario going to the bank first will help with buying the groceries but both at once can't happen. So it's very important to only work on manifesting one thing at once or you will never get there.  

Just like everything manifesting is all about energy. At the core level everything and everyone is made up of the same energy from you, to a rock, to a book, to the stars. When you use opposing energies you block what you want and when you use the right energies it pushes you towards what you want. It's about knowing the difference and only choosing the right energies. 

So when it comes to manifesting money the energies are all about more, abundance, etc. But when you are trying to lose weight it's all about less, restriction etc. So taking one action towards losing weight is actually taking an action against manifesting more money and vice versa. So if you keep trying for both you will just keep working against each of them and won't get anywhere. So again choose what is more important to you and start there! 

But be careful not to just say you want to manifest one thing and not actively take energetic and direct actions towards it because you will get nowhere. Focus on the energies that align with your goal and be streamlined about it! 

So if you have been circling your wheels going nowhere trying to diet and manifest money at the same time you now know why! So make a few changes and you will be on your way! Happy manifesting! 💜

If you'd like specific help manifesting based on your unique personal manifesting code I'd recommend a Manifesting Blueprint Reading. That info is here:


And knowing who you are at soul level and what your purpose gift is, is vital not only in manifesting but in anything in life. If you don't know that yet I can find out for you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here:


How To Attract Real Love Not The Wrong People Over And Over 

Are you sick of attracting the wrong people over and over? Do you have the same issues as your last relationship in your next one? Well here's how to stop that pattern.

The first step is to really look closely at all your past relationships. Especially those patterns that keep repeating from relationship to relationship. See we must be living enough of our true self and in a certain mindset to attract a real love. Until then, every relationship you attract is just to learn a lesson from to prepare you to be ready for that real love. 

The problem is a lot of people stay stuck in those patterns and never learn enough to be ready for the real love. It can be so frustrating and I don't want that for you. I don't want you to waste any more time with the wrong people. 

We still learn lessons when we are in our real love relationship. We are always learning, but we must be at a certain point in the learning process to be ready enough to even attract a real love.

So first look at any repeating patterns in your relationships. For instance are you only attracting those that aren't fully available and neglect you in some way? Well it all stems from you and how you are treating yourself. So if that's the case look at how you are treating yourself and neglecting yourself and fix that so you can get out of that pattern. A real love wouldn't neglect you so if there is the energy of neglect in your life you will only be able to attract that and not a real love. 

Whatever the pattern is you always have to look at yourself. Your choices are what attracts people to you. If you change your choices you can change who you attract. If you don't make changes you will definitely end up in the same pattern over and over until you do. If you keep doing the same thing you will keep attracting the same thing.

Sometimes we need to go through something a few times to fully learn which is fine but if you'd like to save yourself some time and aggravation really dissect everything and get to the root so you can fix it now. I don't know about you but I don't like wasting time. I'd rather get it fixed now so I can move forward. 

Whatever the issue is or issues are for you,  look at how you are doing that to yourself in some way. Really work on putting yourself first and taking care of yourself so you can attract a love that will treat you that way as well. 

Look at the common factor with your past love partners. Look at the similar traits. Were you just settling for someone you weren't happy with? Settling is another love blocker so removing that energy from your life is important as well! 

There can be so many different blocks and patterns but really look closely at your patterns so you can learn and can fix them so you can attract that real love instead of just another lesson to learn relationship. 

Because I've watched so many of my clients blocking themselves from love and going from one lesson relationship to another, I created a video course to help that once and for all. In my Attracting Love Boot Camp Video Course I go over all the major blocks and lessons that block people from attracting real love and how to fix them. I also go over all the things you can do that attract love so you can finally get a real love this time. There are also energetically infused clearing meditations included to make it easier to see and break down those blocks. You can get immediate access to that here:


3 Things You Might Be Doing That Are Attracting The Wrong Love Partner 

So many want to find love but are sabotaging themselves without even realizing it and keep attracting the wrong people for them. Our choices/actions put out what we attract back. So mentally you may really want to find love but if at the same time you are doing actions that attract the opposite, you are only sabotaging yourself when it comes to finding love.

Here are 3 things you may be doing that will attract the wrong partner for you.

1. You aren't really ready

You may think you are ready and really want love but deep down you aren't ready. Perhaps deep down you are scared of being hurt and have fear and walls up. Those walls may protect you from hurt but they also block out love. 

Really fully process and let go of anything that's holding you back from the past. Free yourself and create a clean slate so you can attract someone that's right for you. You can't punish a new partner for what an old partner did without attracting that same situation again. So keep that in mind and let it go. That is only keeping you in that situation over and over again with new people. 

If you have those walls up you will only attract the same kind of issue that hurt you in the first place. So those walls will cause you to attract another person that treats you the same way as the past person that hurt you and it becomes a vicious cycle. 

Those walls can also attract a partner that also has walls up too and who could never fully love you. So work on those walls so you are ready to attract a real love this time and not more hurt! 

2. You haven't let go of a past love 

If you haven't fully let go from a past love you are not allowing love to even come to you because your energetic signal you put out into the world will say that you are already taken. When this happens you can never be fully open to a new love so instead you will usually attract someone that isn't fully available in some way and can't be what you need. 

So really work on letting go of any past loves. That only holds you in the past, you want to focus on your now and your future. Let go so you can let in someone better for you. That past love didn't work for a reason, don't let it hold you back any longer. You must let go to find the right person for you. Free yourself to move forward to happiness! 

3. You aren't treating yourself right

If you aren't treating yourself right you can only attract someone that treats you wrong as well. How you treat yourself will be reflected in who you attract. So look closely how you are treating yourself. Are you neglecting yourself or your health? Are you talking down to or about yourself? Are you putting yourself on hold for others? Are you letting yourself down?

Really look closely because how you treat yourself will decide who you attract. Your true love wouldn't hurt you so you can't attract them if you are hurting yourself in some way. When you are in that vibration it wouldn't match to love it would only attract more hurt. So treat yourself like gold so this time you can attract a real love! 

Look at the choices you are making and work towards changing them to match up with attracting love instead of more hurt. If you make the same choices you will always attract the same situations over and over just with a new person. So make some changes and finally be ready to attract something real! 

If you would like help figuring out what's blocking you and to help manifest love, I recommend a Manifesting Love Reading And Clearing Bundle. That info is here:


How To Survive And Make The Most Of Mercury In Retrograde 

Mercury in retrograde gets a bad rep but it's actually very helpful. Here's how to make the most of it, make it easier, and come out of it ahead! 

When mercury is in retrograde, its job is basically to find everything that's wrong and bring it to light so you can fix it. It finds anything that needs to be fixed or was ignored etc. This is so when mercury in retrograde is over you can sail forward faster. It prepares you for the next chapter. It is a clean sweep to help push you forward.

For those that ignore things and procrastinate this time can be really rough. The key is the less you leave undone or untaken care of, the smoother this time will go for you. 

Any area you are slacking in will be brought to light so you can take care of it. It basically goes through and finds anything you missed, ignored, or neglected and forces you to fix it. So when something goes "wrong" or breaks etc. look at what it's telling you and what you need to take care of. The sooner you take care of it, the less problems you will have. 

Issues will be certain to pop up if there's anything you are neglecting. Issues can show up in any area of your life. It can show up in your relationships, health, at work, your finances etc. Any stuffed down emotions or anything you have ignored will come up and usually at the worst possible time. No area of your life is off limits for this clean sweep. 

Be sure to take care of yourself health wise and get enough sleep. Have extras of things so if something spills or runs out early etc.  you are prepared. Really stay on top of any maintenance or upkeep. If you leave an opening for something to go wrong, it will so don't take any chances or leave any openings! Have all your ducks in a row!

The more on top of things you are, the easier mercury in retrograde will be. Make a point to stay on top of things year round so mercury in retrograde doesn't have to be a hard process.

And when something does happen just be thankful you know so you can fix it and move forward. That issue was keeping you from moving forward so it really is a good thing to know and address it. Think of it as it is showing you everything blocking you from moving forward so you can fix it. 

Be thankful it showed you these things needed taking care of because you can't move to the next, better level until they are fixed. So mercury retrograde is like that friend that tells you how it really is so you can make the changes needed. Appreciate that.

If you are always mindful to take care of things right away then mercury in retrograde won't affect you. So overall the key is to stay on top of things year round and not only life but mercury in retrograde will go much smoother for you! 

If you would like a reading or clearing to help you on your journey you can get one here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop

Why Sacrifice Takes You Off Of Your Path

Are you sacrificing yourself? Your needs? Your wants? Your dreams? Here's why that takes you off of your path of why you are here.

We are all here to experience and express ourselves. On the other side we are all one so it can be hard to see where one ends and another begins. So we come to earth in physical form so we can experience being separate and can learn and express ourselves as an individual. We take that back with us when we go home to the other side again. 

Being separated in bodies, we can compare ourselves to others and can really learn,  experience, and express who we are. We learn how we are different from everyone else. It's so important for us to value ourselves and to authentically express ourselves or we can't fully do what we came here for.

So many see sacrifice as this noble thing but it really isn't. There's a difference between giving/helping and sacrificing. When you give from a place of sacrifice you deplete yourself. And on a bigger scale since we are all one depleting yourself depletes others as well. When you sacrifice yourself you aren't able to fully express yourself which is why you are here. 

When you put yourself first you have much more to give and can do so without hurting or sacrificing yourself at all. So being your full un-depleted self you can actually give way more. When you sacrifice you are limited and eventually burn out and then aren't good for anyone. 

Also, when parents are constantly sacrificing themselves, then kids inevitably start doing that as they grow up as well and they can't fully express themselves either. It becomes a vicious cycle. Showing that you value yourself and can accomplish what you need to without sacrificing or putting yourself last is the best gift you can pass down.

Sacrifice only leads to lack and depletion and attracts more circumstances where you need to sacrifice. It's a dead end road and only adds more problems to your life.  

It's like the oxygen mask on a plane. If you sacrifice yourself to put the mask on your child first, you may not make it long enough to put the mask on them and then you both die. 

But if you take care of and value yourself and put that mask on you first you can save both of you and probably others along the way as well. Really value yourself and put yourself first! This will pass down generations and help so many along the way.

Sacrificing and being a martyr is not noble. Taking care of yourself first is how you can really make a bigger difference in the world. And of course express yourself and what you want which is what you are here for. 

Sacrifice in your life can also affect your finances and every other area of your life. That sacrifice energy permeates through your whole life and can cause a lot of negative patterns for you. It's never worth it.

So look at your life, what are you sacrificing? Start making changes and start valuing yourself more and let go of all that sacrifice! Doing so will not only help you but will help those you are sacrificing for. Really focus on nurturing you and expressing yourself at soul level. 

Really use your purpose gift in all you do that will attract more and more to you which then you can use to help others. That is who you are at soul level so the more you use it the more you are doing what you are here for. If you don't know your purpose gift I can find that out for you and more in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. You can get that here: 


Let go of that sacrifice and let in so much more! Get off that dead end path and get on your true path! 

Tips To Get On Your Highest Path And Live Your Best Life!

We all have free will which is great but our free choices can also take us off of the path we hoped for before we came to earth. Our spirit guides are always giving us signs and nudges towards our highest path for this life but it is up to us to listen. 

For instance maybe you try to do something that's not right for you and first you will get a tiny nudge to tell you that's not right. If you don't listen to the nudge and keep trying, it turns into a rock then a boulder then a brick wall. That is your spirit guide trying to tell you that's not right for you.

Everything that happens to us is because of our choices whether in this life or a past life. Nothing ever just happens to us. Once we realize that, we can start to see that we truly have control and can choose to make our lives exactly what we want.

There are many different paths we can choose to take in our lives but if we listen and pay attention then we can take our highest path. We are all meant to be abundant and happy but it's up to us to take the action towards it. It may not be easy but there is always at least one choice we can make and action we can take to get on a better path.

Here are some tips to help you to get on your highest path: 

 -Listen to your inner self and center yourself as much as possible. Our inner self is always helping us out, we just need to make a point to listen!  Consistent meditation is very helpful with that.

 -Take the time to pay attention to those signs, don't ignore them! There is always a deeper meaning in everything so take the time to look deeper. Looking at just the surface level won't get you far. Really open up and look deeper! 

 -The intention behind everything you do is very important. Really look deep at the intent behind what you are doing. Are you doing it to get back at someone? Are you doing it to stroke your ego? Really take the time to think about the deeper reason why you are doing something. 

 -Pay attention to the lessons that show up in your life. There is always at least one lesson showing up for you to learn and grow from at any point in your life. If you can see it and learn it the first time, it will prevent it from showing up in your life over and over. When it has to repeat over and over it usually comes in the form of a harder struggle each time to get you to notice. So noticing sooner can save you a lot of trouble! 

 -Set intentions for what you want in your life. If you don't set intentions often it's like you're going through life aimlessly waiting for something to happen. Our spirit guides want to help us create the life we want but if we aren't clear with our intentions they can't help us with it. 

Also, the more intentions you set and prayers you send out, the stronger our prayer and intention signal becomes which makes it easier and easier for them to come to fruition and are taken more seriously. If we don't make clear what we want, it can't happen.

 -Focus on what you do want, not what you don't want. If you focus on what you don't want you are giving it energy and more of that will show up in your life. 

Our actions create and show the universe what we want. If we focus on things we don't want we are going to what we don't want happen over and over. Really pay attention to what you focus on. 

Don't give what or who you don't want any energy. When something happens that you do want, celebrate it and maybe do a little dance or something and show the universe that you want more of that! Take time out to say thank you for what you do want! Make it clear that you want more of it in your life!

-It's a good practice to write down at least 5 things you are grateful for a day. That shows the universe you are grateful for what you have and opens it up for more to come into your life. 

For those of you that think you don't have anything to be grateful for there is ALWAYS something a roof over your head, hot water, water, food, legs, arms, vision, hearing etc. The more you focus on being grateful for what you do have the better. 

-In order to get what you want you have to take action towards it. Nothing will just happen, you must take physical action towards it. Remember you have free will and your actions create everything in your life. 

It can be scary sometimes to take new action but it's always worth it. So many people think over and over about something they want but never take the steps to actually get it. Don't let fear stop you from creating the life you want! It's NEVER too late!

 -Enjoy yourself! We are here to experience ourselves in the physical form, make it an enjoyable experience! So many people worry too much and take things too seriously. One of the most common things I hear from spirits is that they wish they didn't worry as much and that they enjoyed themselves more.

 -Stay in the present moment. So many people let things pass by without fully experiencing it. Be present in each moment. We only ever have the now so experience it fully! 

-Don't stay anywhere longer than is good for you out of guilt or for any reason. This includes relationships, jobs etc. It's important for your soul to learn and move on and to not get stuck in a pattern that is not good for you. There is always a better choice. It may not always be easy but it's worth it.

 -Don't ever bother with revenge or punishing someone for perceived wrong doing. Karma will take care of it and if we seek revenge we only add to our karma.

-Love yourself and know that you deserve the best! Let go of any guilt or insecurities. Don't let the past hold you back. Release yourself from that chain so you can move forward.

-Always be yourself. Changing who you are for someone else will never allow you to move forward.

-Always focus on using more of your purpose gift in your life. That is the key to creating the life you want! The more you use it and align with it the better! You are here to express yourself and that is who you are on the deepest soul level! 

Use these tips to choose your highest path available to you and experience your life the way you want to, that's why you are here!

If you feel stuck and feel like there are blocks in your way I recommend a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing to get to the bottom of it. In order for us to pick our highest path we must choose things that go with our purpose gift and who we are at soul level. 

Those that are misaligned may be far away from who they are at soul level which will cause many issues in their life. In a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing you will find out who you are at soul level, your purpose gift, clear any blocks and restrictions in your way plus so much more. The full description is here: 



3 Ways To Heighten Your Intuition

We all have the ability to connect deeper with our intuition but unfortunately many don't. It's such a powerful gift and should be used and nurtured! It's like a muscle, the more you work on it the more it grows. Once you really start to trust and listen to it, it will grow and grow.

Our higher self and our spirit guides are always sending us messages and clues but we must make a point to pay attention. Start really paying attention and looking deeper and you will be amazed with what you can do.

Here are 3 ways to connect with and grow your intuition:

  1. Listen to it

This may sound obvious but so many know something in their gut and they ignore it! Trust that you have so many answers within you and start really listening! 

How many times have you got a feeling about something and ignored it only to kick yourself later for not listening? 

I know you may think to yourself. “How do I know if that's just my mind playing tricks on me?” The key is the more you use and listen to your intuition, the clearer it will get. 

Think about those times when you wished you had listened, how did it feel when it came to you? Really pay attention to the feelings and sensations you get when you get a feeling or inspiration. You can use those later to identify an intuitive inspiration. 

Writing it down can also be helpful. But really pay attention closely to everything that goes on inside you. There is always a pattern and there are always clues. Start really noticing them and putting those clues together. It's like puzzle pieces they may not seem like much separate but once you put them together it makes sense! 

When you hear that voice inside you, listen to it and pay attention to how it feels. You have so much more power and answers inside you than you realize. Start opening up to it and see the difference it makes in your life.

2. Meditation

Frequent meditation is very helpful to open up your intuition. Meditation helps to get rid of unnecessary and racing thoughts and helps the messages come in clearer plus so many other benefits. It takes time but being consistent with it makes a huge difference. 

Even just a little each day helps. Even just some quiet time to yourself to reflect can help. If you keep going and never stop to actually listen, it can be very hard to connect to your intuition. You need time and space to stop and hear the messages that are always coming through. If you never stop to listen how can you hear them? 

3. Align better to your purpose gift and who you are at soul level

The more you use your purpose gift, the more you become your true self which brings you closer to your intuition. There is always more of your purpose gift you can add in your life and a deeper level of it. Align to who you are at soul level so you can connect better. 

The farther away you are from your purpose and who you are at soul level, the harder it is to connect to your intuition. Not being your true self causes blocks in the way and just makes it harder. So putting more focus into aligning and using your purpose gift on a deeper level will make your intuition so much stronger. 

So get in touch with you so you can get in touch with your intuition and use it to your benefit. It's a gift we all have access to why not take advantage? 

If you don't know your purpose gift or who you are at soul level yet I can find that out for you and more in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. You can get that here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/soul-realignment-reading

I want to see you grow and prosper and stay on the right path for you and listening to and using your intuition makes all the difference!  

Everyone has the opportunity to go on their highest path possible in this lifetime but you must choose to take it and use all the tools available to you. Your intuition is one of your most valuable tools so don't ignore it!

You have so much inside of you that you can unlock to help you! Are you ready to turn that key and start listening?


The 3 Most Common Ways People Block Themselves From Finding Real Love

There are three common blocks that come through over and over for people looking for love so I wanted to write about them so you can avoid them. If you are looking for love be sure to look deep and make sure you aren't getting in your own way of real love! Here are the three most common blocks to real love:

  1. Holding onto the past 

When you are still holding onto the past or a past love that stops you from moving forward. Any ties to the past literally keep you tied there. Those ties can never allow you to move forward in any way, they will always pull you back. Those ties physically, mentally and emotionally hold you back and block not only love but other things you want to move forward. 

Really look deep and tie up any loose ends and close any open doors. All doors must be closed and locked tight in order to open any new ones. 

There are many ways to be stuck in the past. It could be still holding out hope an old love will come back, or literally still seeing your ex and not fully letting go. It could be reliving something you wish you did differently in the past or reliving your "glory days." You can create even better times ahead but not if you are still stuck in the past and think those were your best times. 

There are so many ways to be blocked by not letting go of the past so be really mindful and be sure you aren't holding onto the past in anyway. Let go so you can move forward to better, to real love! 

2. Mistreating themselves

This is a big one. If you are mistreating yourself or putting yourself last you can only attract others that will mistreat you and put you last as well. Real love would not mistreat you so this leads to never being able to attract real love. Martyrs cannot attract real love so remember that. Don't put yourself down or last. 

Remember the oxygen mask must go on you first! You must treat yourself right and respect yourself in order to attract real love. Look at how you see yourself and treat yourself. Start treating yourself like you want your love to treat you. 

Cherish and truly love yourself. Happiness and confidence are big love attraction magnets. Love yourself so you can find someone that truly loves you as well. 

3. Staying with someone they shouldn’t for way too long

This is another one. People tend to try to make a relationship work and hope it will change far after they should have left. The longer you stay and accept things you shouldn't, the more of that you will attract into your life so it becomes a vicious cycle. 

If a relationship is not working for you after trying to work on it then let it go. The longer you stay, the worse it gets and the longer until you can find your real love.

Staying where you aren't happy only tells the universe that you want that so more things you aren't happy about will show up in your life in all areas. Our choices create our lives so only choose what you do want and show the universe what you really want instead of what you don't want. 

What we allow or accept is basically ordering more of it onto our lives. So don't accept or allow anything you don't want. Create what you do want instead of more of what you don't want. Look carefully what are you accepting or putting up with that you shouldn't be? 

Work on these things so you can attract a real love. Don't get in the way of love, get ready for love! 

If you'd like help finding and clearing what's blocking you from love and more I can help you in a Finding Love Reading And Clearing. You can get that here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/finding-love-reading-and-clearing

I also have plenty of other love related readings for whatever part of your love journey you are on. All the choices are here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop

4 Things You Must Do When Trying To Manifest Something 

  1. Be sure you really want it

This may seem obvious but you would be surprised. So many think they want it because society or their family says they should but deep down they don't really want it. So be sure that deep down you really want what you are trying to manifest and you aren't just lying to yourself.

It's just a waste of time and energy trying to manifest something you don't really want when you could be manifesting something you do want! 

2. Be ready and prepared for it

Whatever your goal, it's important that you are prepared and can handle it or you won't be able to manifest it. So for example if you are trying to manifest a lot of money but you can't even handle your finances properly now then you are blocking yourself from manifesting more. So be sure to take care of what you have now so you can prove that you are ready to receive more.

Another example is love. If you want to manifest love do you have time and energy to give to a partner? You must always make the time first to prove you are ready. Never say "oh I'll make changes once I manifest." The key is you must make the changes first in order to manifest! 

Another example is if you are trying to manifest a specific job are you free those hours to work. Can you get there? Are you prepared to move if needed? 

Really look at how your life would be different once you manifest what you want and make changes now to get ready and usher it in to you.

3. Start thinking and acting like you already manifested it

Really think about what you would do differently in your life if you already manifested your desired outcome. Start changing what you do to match that. That helps to change your vibration to match what you want. You can never do the same things and get something different. The actions you are taking now are getting you what you have now. So start taking the actions that match your desired outcome instead! 

So for instance if you are trying to manifest a job would you dress different for that job then you do now? Start dressing that way now to change your vibration to match the job. 

Or would you wear makeup or dress different once you found your love? Start doing those things now to help attract that. Start doing what you would do once you have reached your goal.

4. What you want must not go against your purpose gift or who you are at soul level

Trying to manifest something that is against your purpose and who you are at soul level is futile. So when working on manifesting or anything in life for that matter, always be sure it aligns with your purpose gift and who you are at soul level. 

That also goes back to really wanting what you are manifesting as well because if your soul doesn't want it then you can't manifest it. So just be sure you aren't getting in your own way by trying to manifest something that goes against who you are at soul level. 

If you don't already know your purpose gift and who you are at soul level I can find out for you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/soul-realignment-reading

So overall be sure you really want whatever you are trying to manifest, be prepared for it, and start acting like you already manifested it! 

Manifesting is different for each person. Everyone has their own unique manifesting code which is basically a cheat sheet on how you personally manifest. What works for one person will actually block manifesting for another person so it's important to know and use your specific code when manifesting. 

If you don't know your code I can find out for you in a Manifesting Blueprint Reading. To get one go here: 


How Using Your Purpose Gift Gives You Energy And Helps All Areas Of Your Life 

We all can use more energy but so many don't know how to get it. The good news is it's all within our choices that we can get that influx of energy into our lives. Here is how. 

Vital force energy is the key to our health and energy. It is what we thrive on or get depleted from if we aren't getting any. We get vital force energy by our choices and by living true to who we are at soul level and our purpose gift.

The more aligned you are to your purpose gift, the more open you are to receive vital force energy. Picture it like a hose. If you are making choices that are keeping you misaligned from your purpose you kink the hose and less and less vital force energy can get through. The more aligned choices you make and the more you use your purpose gift, the more open that hose gets and more of that wonderful vital force energy comes through. 

That vital force energy is your spark, your passion, your happiness, your health, your vitality, your everything. Lack of vital force energy leads to illness, feeling drained, and lots of other issues. So when these things happen it's important to always put more focus into using your purpose gift more so you can allow more vital force energy in. 

We are here to express our true selves and when we are not using our purpose gift and not aligned to who we are at soul level we can't get enough vital force energy which causes lack in our life. The more we get the better. So use that gift and in kink that hose! That is what you are here for!

There is always more of your purpose gift you can add into your life. There is always a deeper level so always be open to looking into how you can add more and more to get an even better life. 

Our bodies need vital force energy but unfortunately we tend to make choices in our lives that block it from coming in without even realizing it. We all should and can be healthy with lots of energy but it's up to us to make those choices and to let that unlimited vital force energy in! 

Any choices you make that go against who you are at soul level and your purpose gift, will cancel out the right choices so always be mindful of that. Always look closely at all your choices and be sure they align to your purpose gift. 

If you don't know your purpose gift yet, I can find out for you and find and clear what's blocking you from it in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. To get one go here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/soul-realignment-reading

For those that know their purpose gift, really take the time to up level and start using it more. Especially look at things you do everyday, those can make the most impact. Look into adding your purpose gift into everything from how you do the dishes and organize your house to how you care for your kids, in your relationships, and how you work. 

Every single part of your life can contain your purpose gift in some way. The more you use it, the better your life will get in all areas. You can never be fully abundant in any area of your life, including financially and in love, if you are not using your purpose gift. 

Your purpose gift is your secret key to life. I honestly don't know how people survive without knowing it. Before I knew mine it was like living life in the dark and everything feeling out of my control. But once I knew it and aligned to it I was then in the light and can now control and create my life exactly how I want through my choices.

Give yourself the gift of energy and anything else you want to create in your life! 

Your purpose gift is the key but you must use it! I challenge all of you to take that effort to use it more, it will be well worth it! You deserve energy and happiness! 

Here's How To Notice The Lessons, Signs, And Synchronicities As They Appear In Your Life

All of us have lessons, signs, and synchronicities happening in our lives all around us everyday. Unfortunately not everyone is tuned in to them and actually notices them. If you do notice them it can be a helpful road map through life. Here's how to look deeper and notice when they come up for you.

When lessons or little nuggets of help come through it will never be completely spelled out for you so it's important to be open and look a little deeper. Sometimes they will show up through a song or something a stranger says to you or just a thought or feeling. 

There is always another level of perception in your life that you can attain by being open and just listening deeper with all your senses. The first step is just being aware that so much more is going on behind the surface. Our spirit guides and our choices are always creating lessons and nuggets for us below the surface. 

So start by being aware and just noticing things on a deeper level. It helps to write things down to keep track so you can look back and see later. Hindsight is a great tool to see what something meant for you so you learn the language and can listen to it right away next time. 

Notice any feelings or thoughts you get. Notice things around you and any patterns. It can show up in any way at any time so be patient with yourself. 

Notice if you ignore your intuition what happens? Usually something hard will be thrown in your path to remind you that you didn't listen and need to do something different for your best interest. 

The thought may usually seem silly and you may think "Why would I do that?" But overtime you will see there is a very good reason and if you listen it will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

We all have free will and our spirit guides cannot get in the way of that, but they can help us get to where we want to go with a less bumpier path if we choose to listen. 

Some people will notice number sequences like for instance "1111". The thing is the meaning is different for each person there is no one size fits all so it can be tricky. 

If you get number sequences a lot I can find out what your guides are trying to tell you in a  General Reading. In the questions section just put what number sequences you would like to find out about or anything for that matter. You can get a General Reading here: 


You can also talk to your guides and create symbols and signs for them to send you. For instance if I see this come up it means this etc. But just be very specific and clear or you can end up causing confusion. 

We also chose certain lessons we wanted to learn this time on earth. Those are also always showing up behind the scenes all the time. If you don't know what they are it can be easy to miss and may take much longer to complete them.

I have a Life Lesson Reading available where I can find out all your specific life lessons, how they are showing up for you now, and how complete you are with them. You can get that reading here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/life-lesson-reading

And for those that already know their life lessons and want to check their progress since last time, I can find out for you in a Life Lesson Recheck Reading. You can get that here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/life-lesson-re-check-reading

It's impossible to list all the ways the signs come through there are so many and it differs for each person. It could be through a bird or a butterfly, or an obstacle telling you to look deeper and make changes. Any roadblock that comes up for you look deeper at, there is a reason. 

Everything has a perfect flow, a reason, and a deeper meaning. If you look deeper you can see it and everything in life will make so much more sense. Without listening to these signs and nudges it can feel like you are going through life blind. 

So really start paying attention and opening up to all the help you are being given all around you. As you pay attention, open up, and listen to your intuition more and more it gets easier and easier. It makes life much easier and less bumpy, but only if you actually listen and follow the signs. 

So today open up and look deeper at what is showing up for you to help you. It's there just listen! 

How Trust Issues Can Sabotage Your Relationship And How To Fix It

Unfortunately most of us can sabotage things in our lives without even realizing. Here is why trust issues sabotage your relationship and how to fix it. 

Trust issues are the number one problem that damages relationships. Whether you have them from a past relationship or they are a new thing for you, they are harmful to all relationships. 

Trust in a relationship is the most important thing. Without that, the relationship will eventually crumble. If you don't fully trust the person, you can't fully love them either. Trust and love go hand in hand. 

If you are having trust issues the first thing you need to do is look at the root. Did you have them before this relationship? Is this because of your lack of self esteem or confidence? Did your partner do some thing that made you lose that trust? Really look deep and find the root. You cannot fix it if you don't know the root.

It can be tricky because some people without realizing it may be blaming someone else for their trust issues when it's really because of their self esteem or something created from past relationships. So really be sure you know the root of the issues first and foremost. Be sure to be honest with yourself.

And on the other side of it if your partner doesn't trust you look deep at that as well. Did you do something to cause that lack of trust? Is it coming from their own insecurities? Knowing the truth is the first step to healing. 

The ironic thing is some relationships that both parties can be trusted can be completely ruined because of trust issues for no reason. So it's so important to really look deep and hone in on any trust issues and work on them.

So after you look deep and find the root, if the root stemmed from actions your partner took you need to make a decision. If they did something to make you lose trust you need to decide if you can fully forgive them or not. 

If you can't forgive them you need to let that relationship go. You can never have a truly healthy relationship if you are always holding that over them or always wondering about it in your mind. You either need to forgive them and completely let it go or end the relationship. 

If you want to forgive them and let it go,  really look at their actions since then. Are they really sorry? Have they made changes since? Have they tried their best to prove it to you? Don't just forgive them if you don't feel things have changed, that will only prolong your pain. 

You want a stable foundation to grow on, not one that could crumble at any time. Unfortunately many people stay in these situations way longer than they should and waste their time and end up more hurt in the long run. 

So really look deep at if you truly can forgive and be honest with yourself. Lying to yourself about it will only cause you more pain down the road. So remember you need to fully forgive and erase it from memory completely or end it. Those are the only 2 ways to have a healthy relationship. 

If you did something yourself to cause the trust issues look at the actions you have taken since. Have you proven your trust? Can you regain that trust back? What can you do to help heal things? 

Again, if you feel they will never trust you again no matter what, then it's time to move on and make those changes in your next relationship to stop that pattern. Really communicate with your partner and gauge whether that trust can ever be restored or not.

If you'd like some clarity about your relationship and to ask some questions about it to get some guidance I can help you in a Relationship Reading. To get one go here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/relationship-reading

Now after looking deep, if you realize those trust issues are stemming from yourself and your own insecurities then it's so important to work on that. If you don't, you will only push your partner away and I don't want that for you! Too many good relationships end because of unfounded trust issues. 

Really get to the core and focus on what caused you to have these issues in the first place. Is it a past relationship? If so really try to clear the slate and let that go. Don't punish your partner for things someone else did, that's not fair. 

Is it stemming from your lack of self esteem and confidence? This is a very common issue. If this is the case, really put work into that and into yourself. We should all be confident in ourselves and when we aren't there are issues we need to work on. 

Don't compare yourself to others, look at yourself and all your great qualities and focus on those! Focus on creating a happy life for yourself and focus on your purpose,  that will help your confidence! 

If you need help with this I recommend a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. I can tell you your purpose gift and find and clear what is blocking you so you can move forward with confidence plus so much more. To get one go here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/soul-realignment-reading

So no matter what the root is, trust issues will always destroy a relationship, it's only a matter of time. So find the root and really work through them so you can move forward and be happy! You deserve to be happy and can be! 

Here's Why And How To Stop The Same Things Happening Over And Over In Your Life

Do you have the same patterns repeating over and over in your life and want them to stop? Here's why that happens and how to stop.

If you have the same patterns repeating, for instance a new relationship but getting treated the same way as the last one or a new job but the same issues etc. there is a way to stop that but It all starts with you! 

Nothing just happens to you, your choices are attracting this over and over. The problem is most people don't realize it's their choices or even what choices are causing it.

The first step is to be aware of the pattern or patterns repeating over and over in your life. Some people aren't even conscious enough to notice there are patterns to begin with. If that's you, really make a point to pay more attention to anything repeating in your life. There is a reason this is happening. 

There is always some lesson or change you need to make when this happens. If you don't, the pattern will continue forever even into your next life so it's important to fix it now to save yourself a lot of trouble! 

Really look deep and learn the lesson and make the changes needed so you can get out of that pattern. For instance, if you are being treated badly by different people over and over look at how you are treating yourself and others, that will reflect how you are treated. Usually this happens when the person neglects or treats themselves bad and puts themselves last and that's what keeps attracting the same thing. 

So to get out of that pattern start treating yourself better and not allowing anyone to treat you bad. Be strong and cut it off at the first sign of them not treating you right. 

Always look to the root of what's going on. Look at your choices and how this pattern started. Don't ever look for someone else to change, it's always you that needs to make the changes. Your choices are what attracted that situation in the first place so changing those choices will get you out of that pattern and stop you from attracting similar in the future.

So the key is with any pattern you don't like in your life, look close at your choices and why you are attracting that. Sometimes just a simple change can make a huge difference and get you out of that pattern forever! 

Really think about your life, what changes would be good for you to make? Is there anyone that you should remove from your life? Are you not treating yourself right? Are you allowing or accepting less than you should?

So really ask yourself these questions and look at any patterns you aren't happy with. Really reflect on what YOU can do differently. It all starts with you. That is a beautiful thing because that means you have the complete power to create the life you want! Use your power and leave those patterns in the past! 

If you'd like a reading to help you with that all the choices are here: 


6 Vital Things You Need To Find Happiness

Here are six things that are essential to finding happiness. Take care of these things you can find that happiness you crave. You can and should have happiness.

  1. Living your purpose

If you aren't actively living your purpose, you aren't fully expressing yourself and cannot truly find happiness so this is a vital step towards finding happiness. Your soul exists to express your purpose and is so important.

Using your purpose gift and expressing yourself with it is why you are here. Without using your purpose gift, you can't find happiness or abundance in any area of your life. This needs to always be at the top of your list when wanting happiness or anything in your life. 

Everyday ask yourself "How can I add more of my purpose gift into my life today?" There is always another deeper level you can go to and more of your gift you can add. The more you add the more aligned you become and the more you will be inspired with new things to do to align with your gift even more. 

Also, be sure to eliminate anything in your life that is the opposite of or goes against your purpose gift. Anything that goes against your purpose gift will only cancel out any actions that align to your purpose gift so you won't get anywhere. 

So really look closely at every little action you take and be sure it aligns. You can use your purpose gift in everything you do from how you cook or brush your teeth to what you do for work. Your purpose gift should be a full lifestyle and should be the most important thing. 

It is an ongoing process and the more you use it the happier you will be. If you don't know your purpose gift, I can find out for you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/soul-realignment-reading

2. Leave the past in the past

To find happiness you can't be living in the past. Happiness can only be found in the now not the past or future. Really make a point to let go of the past. 

Don't keep criticizing yourself for what you wish you did or others for what they should have done. It's over and can't be changed. Focus on what you can do now. Forgive yourself and others. Letting go of what is holding you to the past is very important to finding happiness. 

Create your best now instead, don't hold onto the past. Doing that literally ties you there and prevents you from ever moving forward and finding happiness now.

3. Do be a martyr 

It's so important to really live for you. If you put yourself last you can never find true happiness. You have to make yourself a priority to find happiness. 

When you are happy then everyone around you will be happier as well. But it is always your responsibility to make time for and make yourself a priority. Think about that and know that saying no to something you don't want is a big part of finding happiness and is okay! 

4. Make a plan and take action 

Be sure to schedule and plan out things you want. Don't just dream or talk about them, really start doing them. They will never happen or just fall into your lap, you have to plan and take action to create them. 

Sometimes even taking the first small step towards a goal can create so much peace and happiness in itself. Trust yourself, know you can do it and just start. No excuses! You are the only one blocking you from your dreams and have the power to make them happen! 

5. Celebrate

It's so important to celebrate and appreciate successes you have already achieved. Always take time to look at how far you have come. 

So many focus on what they still need or haven't achieved yet but allow yourself time to revel in what you have accomplished. The more you celebrate your successes, the more likely you are to have more in the future.

And when you talk down or criticize yourself you will only attract more things to be critical of. So really watch how you react to things and focus on what you have achieved and accomplished and only learn from what hasn't gone right. 

Sometimes learning the lesson from a failure is the biggest accomplishment and the biggest goal achieved. So don't be so hard on yourself and focus on all the positives. What you focus on grows so always be mindful of that when creating the life you want.  

6. Don't look outside yourself

Happiness can only be found inside yourself. No one else can make you happy but you. You have to find that inner love for yourself first. Once you do that all your relationships will be so much better and happier. 

If you aren't happy with you no one else will be either. So really focus on and work on you. Work through anything that is holding you back. You are the only thing in your way to finding happiness. 

Don't focus on what others are doing, focus on your choices and what you are allowing them to do. Always know you are in control of who is in your life and create better boundaries if needed.

That happiness is already within you, you just need to connect with it. You should be happy so if you aren't really take stock of your life and make any necessary changes. If you aren't happy that is always a sign that you need to make changes in your life. 

Don't just settle into the unhappiness and think it has to be that way. Know that you fully deserve and can achieve that true happiness. You have full control so use it and grab your happiness! 

How To Know If You Are On The Right Path

Life can be a struggle and from one day to the next you may question if you are on the right path or not. Here are some ways to find out if you are.

The first thing is most people already know when they are or aren't in the right path. It's that deep inner knowing. You may ignore it or try to hide from it but inside you know. So if you are questioning whether you are or not you are on the right path you probably aren't. 

When you are on the right path there is this inner knowing and a feeling of always being in the right place at the right time. Serendipitous and perfect synchronicities just always happen to show you you are on the right path. There is also always this inner excitement and drive to keep going further down that path. 

There are many ways we can choose to be on the right path. There is not one singular path, there are many we can choose from. We are here to express ourselves how we choose by using our purpose gift. We have free will to choose which path is right for us. 

The key is no matter what you do that you use your purpose gift. You can use that purpose gift in the way you choose, but as long as you are using it you are on the right path. 

The more you use your purpose gift the happier and better your life gets. It is more like levels, you can still be on your path but may not be too far on it. The farther you go the better. It happens in stages. As you add more of your purpose gift into your life, then opportunities to add even more come up and if you choose to accept them then you will get farther down your path. 

So even if you may not be completely happy yet that doesn't mean you aren't on your path. The path gets more beautiful as you go. You find more peace, knowing, and certainty that everything is right as you go. Having that is such an amazing gift and I want everyone to have that. We all can have that, we all can have it all. 

We all started from the same place with the same opportunities. But over many lives our choices have either brought us further on our path or set is back. Usually it's a little of both. 

Our choices created exactly where we are now but the good news is our choices can take us to where we want to go. If you don't know your purpose and want to know what choices are blocking you from moving forward and get them cleared I can find out for you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here: 


One way to know that you aren't on the right path is if there are a lot of repeating negative patterns. So perhaps you get a new person in your life but they do the same negative things to you the last one did. This happens because you keep doing something that is attracting that which is keeping you off your path.

Another way to know is when you feel like you keep getting blocked no matter what you try. At first your spirit guides will give you a light tap to warn you that you are going in the wrong direction but if you don't listen to that light tap it becomes stronger and stronger until you are hitting a brick wall. 

Since we have free will our spirit guides cannot stop us from making a choice but they can warn us strongly. If you listen to those warnings, your life will be much easier.  If you'd like to know more about your spirit guides so you know when they are trying to help you, that info is here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/spirit-guide-profile-reading

So really pay attention when you keep being stopped, that means you are going the wrong way and that choice isn't right for you. Now obstacles aren't always blocks so that can be difficult to distinguish. As we make new choices towards our path dissonance will always happen like mishaps and things just going wrong at the wrong time. 

That dissonance is actually a good sign and just shows you that you are closer to your goal and you need to keep going to push through that. So don't confuse dissonance, which is a good sign and means you are changing and closer to your goal, with guidance from your guides. 

Dissonance happens when you are actively making changes to achieve your goal and guidance from your guides will be an ongoing thing that keeps happening as you keep going in the wrong direction and will get stronger and harder as you go. Dissonance will stop once you reach your goal. 

The best way to know if something is right for you is to ask yourself if it is aligned with your purpose gift. Ideally you want everything in your life to align even including how you cook a meal or how you get ready. Your purpose gift should encompass everything you do, not just work. 

The more you use your purpose gift, the happier and and more abundant you will be in all areas of your life. You can never be abundant in your life if you aren't using your purpose gift. Without using your purpose gift,  life will always be a struggle but the more you use it the easier your life gets. 

That constant struggle in life is to show you that something is wrong and you need to start using your gift. Struggle is just a sign to make some changes but unfortunately so many get stuck in that struggle and think that's just how life is and it won't change. It can change so just use any struggle as guidance to get back on your path! 

Don't just resign to and stay stuck in the struggle! I don't want that for you! Use it as a tool to get out of it and back on your path! 

I want all of you to be on your path so embrace and use your purpose gift thoroughly! Your purpose gift is your path. It's your choice how you use it but as long as you are using it you are on your path. The more you use it the farther down your path and better you will be! 

Using your purpose gift not only makes you happy but everyone around you as well. Use your gift and help the world! No matter how far off of your path you are right now, you can choose to get right back on it at any time!