5 Common Blocks to Intuition and How to Overcome Them

Intuition is your internal GPS, when it is off it can throw everything else off in your life too. Intuition is a powerful inner guidance system that can lead us toward a life of purpose, fulfillment, and alignment. 

It is just as important as any of our organs but unfortunately is rarely used and even more rarely used to its full capabilities. It is a tool that helps all areas of your life. It is like a muscle and can be purposefully worked on to better your life. 

Despite us all having an intuition there are various factors that can block our ability to tap into our intuition effectively. So I want to help you with any blocks so you can live your best life. 

Today I'm going to go over 5 common intuition blocks and provide practical strategies to overcome them, allowing you to reconnect with your inner wisdom and live your best life.

  1. Overthinking and Analytical Mindset:

One of the main blocks to intuition is an overactive analytical mind. When we constantly analyze and rationalize every decision, we drown out the subtle whispers of our intuition. Overthinking creates noise that obscures our inner guidance, making it difficult to hear or trust

To overcome this block, practice quieting the mind through mindfulness meditation or deep breathing exercises. Engage in activities that promote presence and stillness, such as spending time in nature or practicing creative pursuits like art or journaling. By quieting the analytical mind, you create space for intuition to emerge and guide you.

2. Fear and Doubt:

Fear and doubt are huge blocks to intuition. When we are consumed by fear of the unknown or doubt in our abilities, we second-guess our intuitive insights and hesitate to follow them. This fear-based resistance can prevent us from taking the necessary steps toward growth and fulfillment.

You can grow self-awareness by exploring the underlying fears and limiting beliefs that are blocking your intuition. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that it's natural to experience fear when stepping into the unknown. 

Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with affirmations that affirm your innate wisdom and capability. Know that you always have control over your thoughts, don't let them control you. Trust that your intuition is a guiding light, leading you toward paths of growth and expansion.

3. External Noise and Distractions:

We live in a world filled with constant stimulation and distractions, it's easy to become disconnected from our inner voice. External noise from technology, media, and societal expectations can drown out the subtle whispers of intuition, leaving us feeling lost and disconnected.

To help this create sacred spaces and moments of stillness in your daily life where you can tune out external noise and reconnect with your inner self. Limit exposure to digital devices and spend time in quiet contemplation or reflection. Engage in activities that foster introspection, such as journaling, meditation, or spending time in solitude. By prioritizing moments of inner silence, you can amplify the clarity of your intuitive insights.

4. Emotional Turmoil and Stress:

Emotional turmoil and stress can cloud our intuition, making it challenging to discern between genuine intuitive nudges and reactive impulses driven by fear or anxiety. When we are overwhelmed by emotions, it's easy to lose sight of our inner compass.

To help this be sure to prioritize self-care practices that support emotional well-being, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy coping mechanisms like journaling or talking to a trusted friend or therapist. Develop a mindfulness practice to cultivate awareness of your emotions without getting swept away by them. By nurturing emotional resilience, you create a clear channel for intuition to flow.

5. Lack of Self-Trust:

Perhaps the most significant block to intuition is a lack of self-trust. When we doubt our worthiness or question our ability to make wise decisions, we diminish the power of our intuition. Without self-trust, it's challenging to believe in the validity of our intuitive insights. Help grow your self-trust by honoring your intuition and acknowledging the times when it has guided you successfully in the past. 

Keep a journal of intuitive experiences and reflect on the outcomes when you've followed your inner guidance. Try to remember that feeling when you got the nudges so you recognize it later and it's easier to trust. Looking back when you wish you would have listened to your intuition can help you remember the feeling so you recognize it better next time. 

It is a practice and becomes better and better. Learn about yourself and how it feels to you when you get those intuitive hits. Looking at past ones you have gotten whether you listened or not is very helpful in that practice. 

Practice self-love and acceptance, recognizing that you are inherently worthy of trust and capable of making choices aligned with your highest good. As you strengthen your self-trust muscle, you empower your intuition to become a reliable compass for navigating life's journey.

Intuition is a natural gift within each of us, offering guidance and wisdom on our path toward alignment and fulfillment. By recognizing and addressing the blocks that inhibit our intuition, we can create space for its voice to emerge clearly and guide us toward our highest potential. 

Through practices of self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-trust, we can overcome these blocks and cultivate a deep connection with our inner wisdom, empowering us to live authentically and in alignment with our soul's purpose.

If you would like personalized help with your intuition I have personal intuition coaching available. That info is here:


This intuition audio is helpful in building your intuition and removing blocks energetically:


If you do not know your purpose gift yet a Soul Realignment can be very helpful with intuition and everything else in your life. That info is here:
