6 Vital Things You Need To Find Happiness

Here are six things that are essential to finding happiness. Take care of these things you can find that happiness you crave. You can and should have happiness.

  1. Living your purpose

If you aren't actively living your purpose, you aren't fully expressing yourself and cannot truly find happiness so this is a vital step towards finding happiness. Your soul exists to express your purpose and is so important.

Using your purpose gift and expressing yourself with it is why you are here. Without using your purpose gift, you can't find happiness or abundance in any area of your life. This needs to always be at the top of your list when wanting happiness or anything in your life. 

Everyday ask yourself "How can I add more of my purpose gift into my life today?" There is always another deeper level you can go to and more of your gift you can add. The more you add the more aligned you become and the more you will be inspired with new things to do to align with your gift even more. 

Also, be sure to eliminate anything in your life that is the opposite of or goes against your purpose gift. Anything that goes against your purpose gift will only cancel out any actions that align to your purpose gift so you won't get anywhere. 

So really look closely at every little action you take and be sure it aligns. You can use your purpose gift in everything you do from how you cook or brush your teeth to what you do for work. Your purpose gift should be a full lifestyle and should be the most important thing. 

It is an ongoing process and the more you use it the happier you will be. If you don't know your purpose gift, I can find out for you in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here: https://www.psychicmediumreadingsbykristine.com/shop/soul-realignment-reading

2. Leave the past in the past

To find happiness you can't be living in the past. Happiness can only be found in the now not the past or future. Really make a point to let go of the past. 

Don't keep criticizing yourself for what you wish you did or others for what they should have done. It's over and can't be changed. Focus on what you can do now. Forgive yourself and others. Letting go of what is holding you to the past is very important to finding happiness. 

Create your best now instead, don't hold onto the past. Doing that literally ties you there and prevents you from ever moving forward and finding happiness now.

3. Do be a martyr 

It's so important to really live for you. If you put yourself last you can never find true happiness. You have to make yourself a priority to find happiness. 

When you are happy then everyone around you will be happier as well. But it is always your responsibility to make time for and make yourself a priority. Think about that and know that saying no to something you don't want is a big part of finding happiness and is okay! 

4. Make a plan and take action 

Be sure to schedule and plan out things you want. Don't just dream or talk about them, really start doing them. They will never happen or just fall into your lap, you have to plan and take action to create them. 

Sometimes even taking the first small step towards a goal can create so much peace and happiness in itself. Trust yourself, know you can do it and just start. No excuses! You are the only one blocking you from your dreams and have the power to make them happen! 

5. Celebrate

It's so important to celebrate and appreciate successes you have already achieved. Always take time to look at how far you have come. 

So many focus on what they still need or haven't achieved yet but allow yourself time to revel in what you have accomplished. The more you celebrate your successes, the more likely you are to have more in the future.

And when you talk down or criticize yourself you will only attract more things to be critical of. So really watch how you react to things and focus on what you have achieved and accomplished and only learn from what hasn't gone right. 

Sometimes learning the lesson from a failure is the biggest accomplishment and the biggest goal achieved. So don't be so hard on yourself and focus on all the positives. What you focus on grows so always be mindful of that when creating the life you want.  

6. Don't look outside yourself

Happiness can only be found inside yourself. No one else can make you happy but you. You have to find that inner love for yourself first. Once you do that all your relationships will be so much better and happier. 

If you aren't happy with you no one else will be either. So really focus on and work on you. Work through anything that is holding you back. You are the only thing in your way to finding happiness. 

Don't focus on what others are doing, focus on your choices and what you are allowing them to do. Always know you are in control of who is in your life and create better boundaries if needed.

That happiness is already within you, you just need to connect with it. You should be happy so if you aren't really take stock of your life and make any necessary changes. If you aren't happy that is always a sign that you need to make changes in your life. 

Don't just settle into the unhappiness and think it has to be that way. Know that you fully deserve and can achieve that true happiness. You have full control so use it and grab your happiness!