Here's The Low Down On Past Lives 

Here is some information about past lives to help give you some clarity and help you in this present life. 

We all have had many past lives. We have all been both male and female, many ethnicities, and gay, straight etc. We choose what we are in each life by what will help us most with what we need in that life. 

Also where we start out depends on where we left off last in our last life which is what we always resonate to when we start our next life. No matter what we always start off energetically where we left off last time. 

So for instance if you are born into an abusive situation in this life it's because in the last life you were choosing to abuse yourself in some form. Nothing ever just happens to us, we attract it because of our choices. The good news is we can always change our choices to attract better!

We cannot remember our past lives while on earth because it would be way too much for us to remember all at once and would distract us from the life we are in now. 

We all have lived hundreds of lives and have been through many things so remembering all that at once would be confusing and would distract us from what we are supposed to learn. It's hard enough keeping track of this life, imagine having information for hundreds of lives all at once? That would be very daunting!

Sometimes during life we will get a flash of a past life. This only happens if it's important and will help you in the current life you are in. For instance in this life you may have a strong fear of choking and then you find out you were choked to death in a previous life. This can help you to let go of that fear and realize that fear is left over from a past life and it's over now and you can let that go. 

The life we are in now is what matters the most and what we need to concentrate on. So we don't want to be distracted by meaningless things from our past lives. 

But getting information on patterns we are still in from past lives can be so helpful in this life. Knowing why and when they started can sometimes be enough in itself to finally stop the pattern.

If you would like info on what can help you now from your past lives you can find out in a Past Life Reading:

I can also find patterns from past lives that are blocking you from your goals and clear them in a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing:

Once we cross over, we will remember all of our lives and everyone in them again. It will be like no time has passed. We usually incarnate with the same souls over and over but in different forms. So for instance in one life a soul may be your mother but in the next life that same soul could be your son etc. 

Our past lives are over so while we are on earth there is no need to remember them for the most part other than what can help us in this present life. 

Sometimes we may have some fears stuck from them that stay with us and hold us back so moving forward with that can be so freeing! 

All of our past lives have molded us to who we are now. We learned from our past lives and that's what helped to make us who we are today. 

After each life we take our knowledge and growth with us but leave the rest behind. Only our spirit, soul, and our subconscious come with us each time. Our spirit is our soul, our subconscious is everything except our body that goes with us to the other side and to earth each time.

Sometimes when we hear about something from the past and feel very connected to it, it could mean we are picking up on something from a past life. When I was in second grade we were studying Egypt and hieroglyphics. 

I was very interested in it which I usually wasn't interested in anything else in school at that time. I found out later that in one of my lives I studied in a pyramid school in Egypt. So that intense eagerness to learn everything about Egypt at the time makes sense now. 

So when you have that strong connection to something it's very possible it's from a past life. So love everything you have been through in all your lives because that is what makes you who you are now. 

Now focus on making this life even better so you can start off in an even better place next time around. It is all on your control so make this life great!