Help Living Your Purpose Reading

Help LIving Your Purpose Reading Purple iPad.png
Help LIving Your Purpose Reading Purple iPad.png

Help Living Your Purpose Reading

from $155.55

This reading is for those that already have had a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing and know their purpose gift and who they are at soul level and want to go deeper and need help living it better. In this reading you can ask any questions about your purpose gift and who you are at soul level. You can ask about things in your life to see if they align or not. You can ask about choices you plan to make and if they will align or not. I will also give you deeper help towards living your purpose/who you are at soul level so you can have the happiest, healthiest, and most abundant life possible. Remember a good way to tell how aligned you are is by your finances and health. If you are really aligned your finances will be very abundant and you will be really healthy. So if any of those are off right now it’s time to work more on aligning and get that taken care of!

**Sometimes I run close to due times. For example if you ordered expedited on a Monday at 8pm you will receive it by Saturday at 8:00pm. If you ordered standard on a Monday at 8:00pm you will receive it by 2 Mondays at 8:00pm.

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