Custom Intention Ritual

Custom Intention Ritual Purple iPad.png
Custom Intention Ritual Purple iPad.png

Custom Intention Ritual

from $111.11

Physical ritual actions along with an intention give it more power and help a lot in the manifesting process. Our physical actions are what show our spirit guides what we want, not our thoughts. Rituals can be so powerful and beautiful and really cement in our intentions to help reach them. You will get a custom ritual from your spirit guides for your intention. Custom with how to perform it step by step, what to say, what to use etc. No more guessing or trying generic rituals made for others this is custom to you and your intention straight from your guides! I’m excited to share this manifesting fun with you! I shouldn’t have to say this but just in case only positive intentions allowed and nothing that effects the free will of others. This is for you to help call in your intentions! So for example if you intend for love put your intention about the specific kind of love you want but not a specific person as to not effect their free will.

**Sometimes I run close to due times. For example if you ordered expedited on a Monday at 8pm you will receive it by Saturday at 8:00pm. If you ordered standard on a Monday at 8:00pm you will receive it by 2 Mondays at 8:00pm.

Custom Intention Ritual:
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