How To Attract Real Love Not The Wrong People Over And Over 

Are you sick of attracting the wrong people over and over? Do you have the same issues as your last relationship in your next one? Well here's how to stop that pattern.

The first step is to really look closely at all your past relationships. Especially those patterns that keep repeating from relationship to relationship. See we must be living enough of our true self and in a certain mindset to attract a real love. Until then, every relationship you attract is just to learn a lesson from to prepare you to be ready for that real love. 

The problem is a lot of people stay stuck in those patterns and never learn enough to be ready for the real love. It can be so frustrating and I don't want that for you. I don't want you to waste any more time with the wrong people. 

We still learn lessons when we are in our real love relationship. We are always learning, but we must be at a certain point in the learning process to be ready enough to even attract a real love.

So first look at any repeating patterns in your relationships. For instance are you only attracting those that aren't fully available and neglect you in some way? Well it all stems from you and how you are treating yourself. So if that's the case look at how you are treating yourself and neglecting yourself and fix that so you can get out of that pattern. A real love wouldn't neglect you so if there is the energy of neglect in your life you will only be able to attract that and not a real love. 

Whatever the pattern is you always have to look at yourself. Your choices are what attracts people to you. If you change your choices you can change who you attract. If you don't make changes you will definitely end up in the same pattern over and over until you do. If you keep doing the same thing you will keep attracting the same thing.

Sometimes we need to go through something a few times to fully learn which is fine but if you'd like to save yourself some time and aggravation really dissect everything and get to the root so you can fix it now. I don't know about you but I don't like wasting time. I'd rather get it fixed now so I can move forward. 

Whatever the issue is or issues are for you,  look at how you are doing that to yourself in some way. Really work on putting yourself first and taking care of yourself so you can attract a love that will treat you that way as well. 

Look at the common factor with your past love partners. Look at the similar traits. Were you just settling for someone you weren't happy with? Settling is another love blocker so removing that energy from your life is important as well! 

There can be so many different blocks and patterns but really look closely at your patterns so you can learn and can fix them so you can attract that real love instead of just another lesson to learn relationship. 

Because I've watched so many of my clients blocking themselves from love and going from one lesson relationship to another, I created a video course to help that once and for all. In my Attracting Love Boot Camp Video Course I go over all the major blocks and lessons that block people from attracting real love and how to fix them. I also go over all the things you can do that attract love so you can finally get a real love this time. There are also energetically infused clearing meditations included to make it easier to see and break down those blocks. You can get immediate access to that here: