How To Set Clear Intentions So You Can Get What You Really Want

Are you sending out mixed messages about what you want? Most people tend to send a lot of mixed messages out into the universe without even realizing it. This doesn't get you what you want and only gives you more of what you don't want. 

Here is how to really make what you want clear so you can get what you want:

First of all it's important to be clear and specific with what you do want. It's okay to change and refine what you want as you go and learn but you need to start somewhere. Know that you can create exactly what you want but that starts with knowing what you want first. You can start small but you must start.

You can have some larger intentions for overtime but also have some that are smaller goals that you can achieve in less time. Don't make your goal so big that you overwhelm and disappoint yourself and just give up. Big goals are always achieved step by step so break it up into one manageable step at a time. But you can always keep the bigger picture in mind.

The big secret to setting intentions is that your actions show your intentions much louder than anything else. Your thoughts are just that thoughts. Your thoughts help you to try on an idea so to speak before you actually put it in action. 

What you actually do by taking action is what sends out what you want to the universe. So for instance if you stay in a bad relationship the action of staying is telling the universe that's what you want and more of that will be sent back to you. You can think all day long about getting out of the relationship but by staying in it that action is what speaks the loudest. 

You can think about where you want to go tonight. In your mind you could think about many different places but does thinking actually get you there? After thinking about it and choosing it's the action of getting in the car or walking there etc. that makes it happen. Just thinking about it or saying what you want isn't really putting that signal out there, you must be showing what you want with your actions. 

The same thing with a job, no matter how much you think about how you hate your job staying and not trying and taking steps towards something different says that is exactly what you want. 

We all have free will so even if we are choosing to do something horrible for us the universe will help us do what we want. We are in control. 

So look closely at your actions. What are you allowing in your life that you don't really want? What are you just dealing with or accepting? 

Our spirit guides can help us but we must be clear with them so they can help us in a way that we really want. If we aren't clear then we get unclear and confusing results back which is why so many people feel stuck.

Besides our spirit guides we can also attain white and blue lights. These lights are beings that help us to send our signal out so we can get back what we want. The more intentional and clear we are with what we want and show that we want it with actions, the more of these lights we gain. 

Once we get 30 white lights we can then start gaining blue lights. Blue lights are like a strong satellite compared to the white lights which are more like an antenna. The more of those lights you have, the more of what you want starts showing up in your life. 

For instance you may start thinking about wanting to do something and boom it pops up in your life somehow or a friend mentions it etc. Those synchronicities happen more and more the more lights you have. Eventually you become more in sync and things manifest quickly with practice and having the maximum amount of lights helping you behind the scenes. 

If you are interested to know how many lights you have so you can see how good your signal is working and how much more you need to work on it or not, I tell you more about that and find out your exact numbers as part of a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing. That info is here:

If you have already had a Soul Realignment Reading And Clearing and want to see if you have gained more lights since then I can do that in a Soul Realignment Tune Up And Clearing:

I find it is very helpful to keep a journal of what you want. Writing is an action and it helps to give it more power than just thoughts. You can write down exactly how you want your day to go step by step or an intention you want to complete in a week or ten years. 

Exactly how you format your journal is up to you. Do what feels right to. Be okay with changing it over time if something feels even better and learn and edit as you go. You can write in it every day or once a week, do what feels best to you. The more you do it and the more clear you are the better! 

The writing also helps you to keep track. It's funny after we achieve a goal our mind then goes to the next one so sometimes we can almost miss the fact that we actually achieved it. So looking back at the past goals there in writing can show you how far you really have come. 

You can also write out possible actions you can take to get to each goal. You can analyze what your actions are showing that you want now compared to what you actually want and work on how to change that. 

This is for you so create it how you want. Start setting those clear intentions and then showing with action and certainty what you want so you can have it! We are here to create what we want, not just settle and stay with what we don't want.

As you keep setting intentions and achieving them it gives you so much momentum and makes it easier and easier each time to get what you want. Once you know how to set and send intentions, you start to know with confidence that you can always achieve them which gives you even more power to do so. 

So the big question is what do you want? Set those intentions and achieve them! Don't wait any longer, start now!