Tips to get on your highest path and live your best life!

  Before we come to earth we choose things we would like to learn and the karma we would like to settle from past lives. Once we get here we have free will so it is ultimately up to us to follow through and do that. Our spirit guides do their best to help guide us and keep us on the path we chose before earth. Our spirit guides are always giving us signs and nudges towards our highest path for this life but it is up to us to listen. For instance maybe you try to do something that's not right for you and first you will get a tiny nudge to tell you that's not right. If you don't listen to the nudge and keep trying, it turns into a rock then a boulder then a brick wall. That is your spirit guide trying to tell you that's not right for you.


  Everything that happens to us is because of our choices whether in this life or a past life. Nothing ever just happens to us. Once we realize that, we can start to see that we truly have control and can choose to make our lives exactly what we want.


 There are many different paths we can choose to take in our lives but if we listen and pay attention then we can take our highest path. We are all meant to be abundant and happy but it's up to us to take the action towards it. It may not be easy but there is always at least one choice we can make and action we can take to get on a better path.


   Remember that your life is completely in your control no matter how much it may feel otherwise! Here are some tips to getting on your highest path available:


  • Listen to your inner self and center yourself as much as possible. Our inner self is always helping us out we just need to make a point to listen!  Meditation is very helpful with that.


  • Take the time to pay attention to those signs, don't ignore them! There is always a deeper meaning in everything so take the time to look deeper.


  • The intention behind everything you do is very important. Really look deep at the intent behind what you are doing. Are you doing it to get back at someone? Are you doing it to stroke your ego?


  • Pay attention to the lessons that show up in your life. There is always at least one lesson showing up for you to learn and grow from at any point in your life. If you can see it and learn it the first time it will prevent it from showing up in your life over and over. When it has to repeat over and over it usually comes in the form if a harder struggle each time to get you to notice.


  • Set intentions for what you want in your life. If you don't set intentions often it's like you're going through life aimlessly waiting for something to happen. Our spirit guides want to help us create the life we want but if we aren't clear with our intentions they can't help us with it. Also the more intentions you set and prayers you send out, the stronger our prayer and intention signal becomes which makes it easier and easier for them to come to fruition and are taken more seriously. If we don't make clear what we want it can't happen.


  • Always think about what you do want not what you don't want. If you focus on what you don't want you are giving it energy and more of that will show up in your life. Our thoughts create and show the universe what we want. If we focus on things we don't want we are going to make it happen over and over. Really pay attention to what you think about and talk about. Don't give what or who you don't want any energy. When something happens that you do want celebrate it and maybe do a little dance or something and show the universe that you want more of that! Take time out to say thank you for what you do want! Make it clear that you want more of it in your life!


  • It's a good practice to write down at least 5 things you are grateful for a day. That shows the universe you are grateful for what you have and opens it up for more to come into your life. For those of you that think you don't have anything to be grateful for there is ALWAYS something a roof over your head, hot water, water, food, legs, arms, vision, hearing etc. The more you focus on being grateful for what you do have the better.


  • In order to get what you want you have to take action towards it. Nothing will just happen you must take physical action towards it. This can be scary sometimes but it's always worth it. So many people think over and over about something they want but never take the steps to actually get it. Don't let fear stop you from creating the life you want! It is NEVER too late!


  • Enjoy yourself! We are here to experience ourselves in the physical form make it an enjoyable experience! So many people worry too much and take things too seriously. One of the most common things I hear from spirits is that they wish they didn't worry as much and that they enjoyed themselves more.


  • Stay in the present moment. So many people let things pass by without fully experiencing it. Be present in each moment.


  • Don't stay anywhere longer than is good for you out of guilt or for any reason. This includes relationships jobs etc. It's important for your Soul to learn and move on and to not get stuck in a pattern that is not good for you. There is always a better choice. It may not always be easy but it's worth it.


  • Don't ever bother with revenge or punishing someone for wrong doing. Karma will take care of it and if we seek revenge we only add to our karma.


  • Love yourself and know that you deserve the best! Let go of any guilt or insecurities. Don't let the past hold you back. Release yourself from that chain so you can move forward.


  • Always be yourself. Changing who you are for someone else will never allow you to move forward.


Choose your highest path available to you and experience your life the way you want to in the best possible way for you! If you feel you need some more guidance towards that I can't help you pick the best kind of reading for you! My goal is to help everyone to get on the highest path available for them!


  If you feel stuck and feel like there are blocks in your way I recommend a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing to get to the bottom of it. In order for us to pick our highest path we must choose things that go with who we are at soul level. Those that are misaligned may be far away from who they are at soul level which will cause many issues in their life. In a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing you will find out who you are at soul level, your gifts and what is best for you, clear any blocks and restrictions in your way  plus so much more. The full description of a Soul Realignment Reading and Clearing is on my website on the get a reading page.


If you'd like to just ask your spirit guide advice a general reading would be good for that.


All the reading choices and descriptions are on my website on the get a reading page.


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