General Love Reading

General Love Reading Purple iPad.png
General Love Reading Purple iPad.png

General Love Reading

from $111.11

In a General Love Reading you will hear from your spirit guide what you need to hear most right now in the love department and what's coming up for you in love etc. You can also send questions for me to ask during your reading If you'd like. The more specific your questions are, the more specific the answers that come through will be. I don’t do readings for entertainment. They are are all steered towards what you need to hear and what choices you can make to help make your life what you want. Nothing in the future is set in stone, our choices create what we want. Sometimes we have made enough choices already that have made something certain to happen and if that is the case I will tell you. If not I can help you to see how you can change things if you want to. There is a place at checkout where you can put any questions you’d like me to ask and get answers for during the reading.

**Sometimes I run close to due times. For example if you ordered expedited on a Monday at 8pm you will receive it by Saturday at 8:00pm. If you ordered standard on a Monday at 8:00pm you will receive it by 2 Mondays at 8:00pm.

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